英语人>词典>汉英 : 作为...的前提 的英文翻译,例句
作为...的前提 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
premise  ·  premised  ·  premising

更多网络例句与作为...的前提相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How to choose strategies of handing traditional culture down is an unavoidable subject in the new situation. The author of the article thinks that clothing, which is believed to be the visiting card of a people, should be simple with symbolization, pictorialization, totems and commercialization. Handing down of the living culture should be combined with ecosystem environments and places of interest to develop its content step by step. One cultural item should be exploited in one place to keep it alive forever. We should make good use of educational, research and translating organizations, media and the Internet to propagandize old and new characters and works. Some museums should be built up to protect metallic and stone relics. Setting up ecological museums or cultural villages and parks is an effective method. We should find out a new way in which key points about the understanding of the culture are explained clearly, core advantages are developed and cutlural labour force and propaganda work are revived The most important thing is to make complete use of the laws and policies on minority self-rule to find out the best way to keep Yi's traditional culture alive.


To further demonstrate their commitment to helping people around the world achieve better fuel efficiency, Shell will be road testing their newest Fuel Economy petrol formulation for the challenge, which Shell plans to introduce to the public in the future.


The soil environment of solar greenhouse deteriorate with the growing ages increased and this causes the obstacle matters in soil of succession planting cucumber, mainly perform as soil physicochemical properties worsening, soil hypo-salinization, soil acidification. To solve these problems, corn and spring onion as catch crops were planted in summer after cucumber harvest that based on having no effect on cucumber production in solar greenhouse.. The experiment researched the effect of different catch crops on cucumber yield and soil physicochemical properties.


NLP, as a child of the first Human Potential Movement, inherited as a legacy wonderful premises, tremendous models, and an exciting tool chest for enabling ourselves and others to tap into and actualize our human potentials.


Based on the unique characteristics of the Yellow River and previous research on its ecological water requirement, the present paper recommends that the water requirement for transport in the flood season and base ecological flow in non-flood season should be both included in the ecological water requirement. The water requirement for transport is 80 × 108-120 × 108 m3 per year if the bankfull discharge carries the largest sediment and contaminant load over a long period of time. The base ecological flows in non-flood season at Huayuankou and Lijin stations are 80 × 108-100×108 m3 and 50 × 108-60 × 108 m3, respectively.


This essay adopts the view of anthropology of art and its study strategy; takes as rule the historical priority which is the unity of history and logic; sets on the basis of the realistic aesthetic relation from the eyes of people with different nationalities; begins with the formational mechanism of aesthetic perception to study the issue of aesthetic perception.


Section two includes the premise of tortious liability of omissions: the establishment of commission liability.


The modest strategy in replying to external-world skepticism would be to concede that one cannot prove transcendentally that there is an external world, but to show that one must believe in such a world, or presuppose such a world as part of one's interpretive framework, as a precondition of coherent experience.


The crime of omissions is an important topic in the criminal law theory.


Through analysis, the thesis thinks that the economical nature of environment goods cannot be generalized by public goods or private goods, its nature has been changing between the two extremes. The environment goods is on one hand reflected in some legal arrangement in international environment statute, where the focus is the whole humankind, for example,"common heritage"; on the other hand, it is also reflected in the rules that protecting private rights in civil legal system, where the focus is the individual, for example,"the right of environment personality ". The essential part of environment justice is the social distribution of environment benefits and burdens, so the thesis centers on the social peculiarities of environment goods as social burdens and as social benefits. In detail, environment benefits are related both to property and to personality, and they are also un-produced, non-substitutive and prima goods as living resources; environment burdens are composed of LULUs and many uncertain and irreversible environment risks.


更多网络解释与作为...的前提相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


以下的问题都是在"该斥候仍为隐蔽(hidden)状态"的前提下而发~1.斥候不得作为任何效应(effect)直接目标,除zone effect. 上面的叙述主要会与接战(engage)产生冲突. 接战是指当某A视线看不到某B,但


作为一个"早期工作重点是研究信任"的学者,利瓦伊(Levi)首先就指出"信任"这个词太宽泛和太轻率,因而本身就是一个定义不清的概念. 更为重要的是,她提醒我们:"交易成本分析(事实上所有的经济分析)的前提是机会主义行为";或者说,




本书内容丰富,结构清晰,可供广大从事移动通信工作的系统架构设计师、研发工程师及其他工程技术人员学习参考,也可作为教材供高等院校相关专业的师生参考. 5.10.2 过滤规则(iFC)的定义9.5 前提(Precondition)机制

Data reduction:资料缩减

当研究者测量一群彼此间具有高度相关的变量,则在进行显著性检验钱,为避免变量数过多,造成解释上的复杂与困扰,常会先进行主成分分析,在尽量不丧失原有信息的前提下,抽取少数几个主成分,作为代表原来变量的总体性指标,达到资料缩减(data reduction)的功能.


它的特点主要表现存以下四个方面:长期以来,"投机"(Speculation)一词在我国一直被作为贬义词来使用,普遍认为投机是非法谋取利益的一种行为. 但在西方国家中,"投机"则是中性词,它是指在做出大胆预测的前提下冒较大风险去追求较高利益的行为.


1946年>规定应当以对产品的"来源(as to source of origin)"产生混淆作为诉讼的前提,[6]1962年修改>时删除了"来源"之表述,一些法院由此推断商标混淆的类型,已经从来源混淆扩大到了从属(affiliation)、赞助(sponsorship)或联系(assoc


然而,通过作为其前提的规定(stipulation)可以清楚地看到,任何描述都具有明显的人类学特征. 即使在所谓"客观"的描述中,也有主观规定的因素. 任何描述都具有规范的性质. 描述与规定的内在关联以及由此而具有的人类学特征,


他们共同立下两个原则,作为讨论的前提:一方面,所有理论都要以"经验"为依据,而可以作一种直接或间接的"验证" (Verification),另一方面,一切推论都要以"逻辑"为後盾.

law enforcement:执法

同时,我们也认为,联合国应在确保东帝汶公共安全的前提下,根据东帝汶实地情况和各方意见,着力帮助其警察部门提高自主执法(law enforcement)能力,继续把培训警察和移交责任作为工作重点.