英语人>词典>汉英 : 内脏胸膜的 的英文翻译,例句
内脏胸膜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Successful tracheal intubation wasverified using the following criteria: 1 identification ofthe trachea and tracheal rings, 2 visualization of vocal cords,3 widening of glottis as the tracheal tube passes through,and 4 tracheal tube position above carina and demonstrationof movement of the chest wall visceroparietal pleural interface(i.e., sliding sign) after manual ventilation of the lungs.


These lesions were whitish-gray and pitted in appearance, and were located on the visceral rib surface near the rib head adjacent to the pleura.


更多网络解释与内脏胸膜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tunica serosa:浆膜

就解剖学来说,人体内脏大部分都是可伸缩性的,包括心脏或肠、胃等等皆然;除此之外,内脏大多由一些特殊物质包围保护,像肺脏是由一层浆膜(serous membrane)包围,此称之为胸膜;像胃壁有四层,由外向内依次为:一、浆膜(tunica serosa)由腹膜(peritoneum)构成的;


pleuroventralline 侧腹线 | pleurovisceral 胸膜内脏的 | plex 丛