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内省性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
introversion  ·  introversive

更多网络例句与内省性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In such works,"Rooftop" and "Peripatetic", we can see these contradictions- the author's image typically with the state of new generation is set in an ultra-realistic spatial structure like Delvaux's style, in the low-keyed and gloomy mood, the easy and pleasant female image not only restrains the spread of the bored feeling, but also enhances the emotion to be an ideal and introspective humor. It's just this contradiction of reality and surrealism, sense and reason, as well as representationalism and abstractism supposes a visual suspense and humanism significance.


China, On the Road is not only a state of mind, it is about an individual in his environment who takes the initiative to reflect upon himself and express himself. Because it is self-initiated, it is enriching enough providing us a rich picture of spiritual insight, at the same time sharply intervene our imagination and dispute on our individual life and the common life.


The North and the South, China 2008 is not only a state of mind, it is about an individual in his environment who takes the initiative to reflect upon himself and express himself. Because it is self-initiated, it is enriching enough providing us a rich picture of spiritual insight, at the same time sharply intervene our imagination and dispute on our individual life and the common life.


When anorexic and bulimic women see images of overweight women, anarea of the brain, the medial prefrontal cortex, lights up in aal MRI. This region is associated with identity andself-reflection.


Introspective reports on one's own interior mental life are not subject to careful examination for accuracy and are not generalizable.


Neither does it seem feasible to try to extract P from the concepts of consciousness we now have by some procedure of conceptual analysis – any more than we could solve the life – matter problem simply by re fl ecting on the concept life .10 P has to lie outside the fi eld of the introspectable, and it is not implicitly contained in the concepts we bring to bear in our fi rst-person ascriptions.

这似乎也不是可行的:试图这样来提取出P,即从我们现在拥有的意识概念,通过概念分析来提出P ——就像我们不能仅仅靠反思'生命'这个概念来解决'生命-物质问题'。[10]P位于可内省领域之外,而且它不是蕴涵在'我们用在第一人称归性上的'那些概念中。

The red light was accompanied by a snatchy conversation of a woman making a phone call in an affected accent. Afterwards it was a man on the phone, talking the same thing as the woman. And then the blue light was on, there came thought the sound of turning pages of the ancient book, and the sound of tearing up papers.


The subjects of the research were four classes of 6th graders from an elementary school in Taipei City, dividing into an experiment group and a control group, two classes in each group. The course studied carried on quantitative analysis with the score of pretests, posttests and deferred tests to explore the results of learning between the experiment group and the control group and also carried on quality analysis with the concept maps and the information of interviews collected before, within, after the teaching to explore the concept transformation. Finally, researcher analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of applying the DAPA strategy in electromagnetic function with the data of observation and introspection. The important results of the study were summarized as below


I want to explore more melodic ideas and use different sounds than I have before, and keep things very listenable, not only pumping beats for DJs.


Chapter Two takes on the deconstructive perspective. In this chapter, the author emphasizes how Morrison deconstructs the grand narrative through the exposure of the relations between power and truth. Also included in this chapter are Morrison's employment of self-reflexive narrative in "writerly texts" and the deconstructive effects of myths and allusions.


更多网络解释与内省性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我们可以说文化表演是非常具有反观性和内省性(highly reflexive)的,就是说它们可以被理解为是"关于文化的文化形式"(cultural forms about culture),或者"关于社会的社会形式"(social forms about society),是集中的或者浓缩的(concentrated)的事件,在其中人们

introspective type:内省型

introspective psychology 内省心理学 | introspective type 内省型 | introversion 内向性

introspectiveness:内省; 反省; 自省 (名)

introspectiveness 内省; 反省; 自省 (名) | introversion 内向性; 内省性 (名) | introversive 内向性的; 内向的 (形)

introversive:内向性的; 内向的 (形)

introversion 内向性; 内省性 (名) | introversive 内向性的; 内向的 (形) | introvert 使内向, 内省, 使内弯 (动)


introversion /内向性/内省性/ | introversive /内向性/内省性/ | introvertion /内向的/


introspectiveness 内省 | introversible 可向内翻的 | introversion 内向性