英语人>词典>汉英 : 公开辩论的 的英文翻译,例句
公开辩论的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与公开辩论的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These opportunities to set the terms of debate, and to stage carefully prepared appearances rather than have to think and communicate on his feet, continue to enthuse him as prime minister.


Did I tell you my idea of challenging Griffith to debate with me in public about our two policies?


From 1853 till 1868 he wrote a great number of articles under the pseudonym of "Iconoclast", gave many lectures, and held many public debates.

从1853年到1868年,他写了大量的文章下,化名" iconoclast ",提出了许多讲座,并举行了多次公开辩论。

Richard Nixon was too authentic by half : he lost his 1960 face-off with John Kennedy for want of a bit of powder which could have concealed his stubbly[9] adj. of or like stubble茬子的: a stubbly beard, chin 短硬的胡茬子、长满胡茬子的下巴. chin .


Weatherproof's history of attention-grabbing efforts suggests the company may be seeking controversy.


Any one who has knowledge of the whereabout of Premier Gorden Campbell, Attorney General Wally Oppal andMinister of Education Shirley Bond, please contact CASJAFVA immediately without delay

寻人告示 Missing Persons (公开辩论事宜 Public Debate)有任何人士知道省长金宝尔,律政厅长欧博理和教育厅长庞雪丽的下落,请第一时间与本会联络

The in-court pronouncing judgment, in accordance with pronouncing the judgment on a fixed day, is an important system adopted in the modern civil actions. It refers to an action that after the close of court debate, the chief judge of a collegial panel or the single judge declares the final sentence to legally open or not open civil cases through recessing the court to collegial discussion or making conclusions independently by the single judge.


What they like to see happening here is the virtual unfettered prerogative of the media to ridicule, condemn or even defame its leaders under the banner of fostering more open debate, as epitomised in the United States,and which Singapore and many other countries will not accept.


So why the debates, open-top bus rides, and flesh pressing with people who won't have a say on March 25?


In two years of acrimonious public dispute, satirised by Charles Kingsley in The Water-Babies as the "great hippocampus test", Huxley showed that Owen was incorrect in asserting that ape brains lacked a structure present in human brains.


更多网络解释与公开辩论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它的集中性(centrality)在于:通过公开辩论和哲学证明作出明智的决策,并以此影响社会的前进方向. 在资产阶级社会把经济与政治分离开的地方,公众家庭就把二者再次聚合在一起. 其目的并不在于熔合权力,而在于效果的必要协调.

Social Democrats:社會民主黨

就条文中较严格的面向举行公开辩论即可知. 此举显然是为了安抚一个重要的选民区城-将文档分享视为重要政治议题的年轻公民. 左派反对联盟中的主要政党,社会民主党(Social Democrats)也采取同样作法,即使该党最后仍选择支持IPRED.

seditious libel:煽动性诽谤

在1967年科蒂斯出版社诉巴茨案14中,最高法院驳斥了纽约时报案原则只适用于"煽动性诽谤"(seditious libel)的说法,强调时报案所确立的原则,是基于全国上下普遍认同的一项看法,即对公众事务的辩论应该是"毫无拘束、富有活力和广泛公开的".

whiskers whiskersn:腮须, 胡须

gladiator n.古罗马公开表演的格斗者(通常都是奴隶和俘虏), 精于辩论和格斗的人, 职业拳击者 | whiskers whiskersn.腮须, 胡须 | doodled vi.混时间, 闲荡, 涂鸦n.傻子, 乱画(或乱写)之物


10 Enact 颁布 | 10 Escalating 逐步高升 | 10 Forensic 法院的,公开辩论的

shoppers:顾客, 买东西的人

manufactures vt. 制造. 捏造. n.制造. 制造品. | shoppers 顾客, 买东西的人. | controversy 公开辩论, 论战

gag rule:[美]禁止对某问题进行公开议论或辩论的规定

closed rule 议会禁止对某一议案再提修正意见的规定 | gag rule [美]禁止对某问题进行公开议论或辩论的规定 | ground rule [体]比赛场地临时规则;基本规则, 行动准则