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先验性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与先验性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 'permanent truth' is close to Russell's 'apriority' of induction. However, in my opinion, this kind of permanent truth or apriority doesn't have any important sense since the principle of anti-induction, i.e., ' if a t 1 — b t b ,……, a t n — b t n then probably A ?

这种"永真性"与罗素关于归纳原则的"先验性"十分接近,然而,在笔者看来,这样的永真性和先验性没有多大意义,因为反归纳原则即如果 a t 1 — b t b ,……, a t n — b t n 则大概 A ?

The 'permanent truth' is close to Russell's 'apriority' of induction. However, in my opinion, this kind of permanent truth or apriority doesn't have any important sense since the principle of anti-induction, i.e.,'if at1—btb,……,atn—btn then probably AB', has the same property.


The theoretical horizons of transcending question are the principles of individuality, apriority and ontology.


He thinks this apriority,which is not like the apriority of mathematics,is in fact inthe scope of material intitution,and is the manefestion of the monad's drive towardsthe God.To some extent we can say that his ethics is the forerunner of MaxSheller's"a priori—material ethics".


Otherwise, in the theory postulation, structural superposition of metaphysical entity s apriority and religious Revelation s priority could be used as the common first-level truth basis among pluralistic religions to form the bi-level structure associated with religious entities in every great faiths in order to serve as the rational start in inter-religious dialogue.


The fourth part gives a scientific evaluation on the two natural education ideals: on one hand, the ideals are explosive in human thinking and have huge impact on the development of future education thoughts; on the other, they are limited in transcendental premise, unilateral personality and social illusiveness.


The basic limitations of Nietzsche's principle in this line lies in his misunderstanding of human praxis, which leads to the transcendentalism in the interpretation of human nature and the superficiality, paradoxicality, and partiality in the orientation of values.


The acquirement and expression of knowledge include two aspects: the first is that the spectrum knowledge of each land use type is automatically obtained from old land use map matched and overlain with remote sensing images; the other is that the changing knowledge of land use types are collected and analyzed, and changed into prior knowledge and probability.


The symbolistic configuration category originated from ancient philosophy, it has original、chaotic、objective and priori characters.


As the beginning of ontology,Parmenides's beingis one,is eternity underlying the motion,it struggles against destiny,so it should be considered as a priori of relations between man and world,and also as transcendence of the world .


更多网络解释与先验性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apriorism:先验论, 演绎之推论

apriori | 由原因推及结果的 演绎的 先验的 推测的 事前的 | apriorism | 先验论, 演绎之推论 | apriority | 先验性, 先验法


apriorism 先验论 | apriority 先验性 | Aprism Apra主义

apriority:先验性, 先验法

apriorism | 先验论, 演绎之推论 | apriority | 先验性, 先验法 | APRO | Aerial Phenomena Research Organization 天空现象研究组织


人与人相互分离(separated)为个人,文化与文化相互分离为不同文化,这是人与文化的局限性,但也正是它们的无限性. 正是从此无限性而来,每一个人都是先验地溢出(overflow)自身的,每一种文化也都是先验地溢出自身的. 这种先验的溢出性是如此之源始,


在哈氏看来,任何沟通性行动必须作出三个有效性宣称(validity claims):它必须是真实的(true),必须是正当的(right),以及,必须是真诚的(sincere). 这是沟通性行动得以进行与展开所必需的规范要求,是准先验性设置的,即使在这个现实世界中,

Tops:abbr. trancendental operating system; 先验性操作系统


综上所述,因为先验领域的基本特征是其完整性(wholeness)与超越性,所以,整个时空领域必须被表征在其中. 拉玛虚常说,每个人的命运和世界的命运是完全被决定了的(详见14.5)--这个观点符合意识池或先验领域理论(在意识池或先验领域中存在着整个时空领域的抽象形式).


transcendental /先验的/卓越的/超凡的/ | transcendentality /超越性/ | transchanger /电荷转移器/

transcortical aphasia:皮质间性失语症

transcendentalist 先验论者 | transcortical aphasia 皮质间性失语症 | transcortical apraxia 经皮质性运用不能 经皮质性运用不能


但是,这种解说是一种特别(adhoc)解说,不是社会科学的因果解释,因此说服力不强. 另一种回答是女权主义的,也是黑格尔的解说,即强调作为女性,安提戈涅对家庭伦理感知的特殊性和先验性,并且常常还伴随了或隐含地强调这种女性感知的道义优越性.