英语人>词典>汉英 : 先贤祠 的英文翻译,例句
先贤祠 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Inquiries were instituted, and on consulting the tariff of commissions posted in the convict's parlor, it was learned that the fifty sous could be analyzed as follows: three commissions; one to the Pantheon, ten sous; one to Val-de-Grace, fifteen sous; and one to the Barriere de Grenelle, twenty-five sous.


Inquiries were instituted, on consulting the tariff of commissions posted in the convict's parlor, it was learned that the fifty sous could be analyzed as follows: three commissions; one to the Pantheon, ten sous; one to Val-de-Grace, fifteen sous; one to the Barriere de Grenelle, twenty-five sous.

经过 ssbbww 调查,并参照张贴在犯人会客室里那张办事计费表加以研究之后,终于知道了那五十个苏是这样分配的:三件事,一件是在先贤祠办的,十个苏;一件是在军医学院办的,十五个苏;一件在格勒内尔便门办的,二十五个苏。

Now, at the Pantheon, at the Val-de-Grace, at the Barriere de Grenelle were situated the domiciles of the three very redoubtable prowlers of the barriers, Kruideniers, alias Bizarre, Glorieux, an ex-convict, Barre-Carosse, upon whom the attention of the police was directed by this incident.

同时 ssb§bww.com ,先贤祠、军医学院和格勒内尔又正是三个相当凶恶的便门贼所住的地方,一个叫克吕伊丹涅,又叫皮查罗,一个叫光荣,是个被释放了的苦役犯,一个叫拦车汉子,这次的事又把警察的眼睛引向了他们。

There is something indescribable there which exhales grace, a green meadow traversed by tightly stretched lines, from which flutter rags drying in the wind, and an old market-gardener's house, built in the time of Louis XIII., with its great roof oddly pierced with dormer windows, dilapidated palisades, a little water amid poplar-trees, women, voices, laughter; on the horizon the Pantheon, the pole of the Deaf-Mutes, the Val-de-Grace, black, quat, fantastic, amusing, magnificent, and in the background, the severe square crests of the towers of Notre Dame.


Fantine had long evaded Tholomyes in the mazes of the hill of the pantheon, where so many adventurers twine and untwine, but in such a way as constantly to encounter him again


Marie Curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.


The restaurant is in one of the city's upscale neighborhoods, between place Gambetta and the Marche aux Grands Hommes.


There are ear-wigs in the timber-yards of the Ursulines, there are millepeds in the Pantheon, there are tadpoles in the ditches of the Champs-de-Mars.

在于 wwW.SsbBww.Com 尔絮勒修会的那些场地里有蠼螋,先贤祠有百脚,马尔斯广场有蝌蚪。

The culminating point of this sweep of walls was the Papal gate, that is to say, near the present site of the Pantheon.


更多网络解释与先贤祠相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tour Eiffel:埃菲尔铁塔

, 先贤祠(Pantheon),埃菲尔铁塔(Tour Eiffel)巴黎圣母院与科隆大教堂,罗马圣彼得大教堂并称为欧洲三大宗教建筑,巴黎圣母院在法国地位卓然.小时候看的电影巴黎圣母院,让巴黎圣母院给我留下深刻的印象,

Victor Hugo:雨果

卢梭的敌人,"法兰西思想之父"伏尔泰 (Voltaire) 是第一批安葬先贤祠的维克多 雨果(Victor Hugo) 的迁入仪式更加盛大,举国志哀 (八卦一下:雨果最为法国人津津乐道的浪漫事迹是,他于30岁时邂逅26岁的女演员朱丽叶.德鲁埃,并堕入爱河,

Victor Hugo:维克多.雨果

1885年,法国著名作家维克多 雨果(VICTOR HUGO)逝世,法国人民为了缅怀这位伟大的作家决定为他举行隆重的国葬. 他的遗体於5月22日在凯旋门下停灵一夜,随后被安葬在专门安葬伟人的先贤祠(PANTHEON). ,一名在第一次世界大战中牺牲的无名烈士的遗体在凯旋门下被安葬.

le Pantheon:先贤祠

[先贤祠] (le Pantheon)位于巴黎市中心塞纳河左岸的拉丁区,于1791年建成,是永久纪念法国历史名人的圣殿. 它原是路易十五时代建成的圣.热内维耶瓦教堂,1791年被收归国有脱离宗教后,改为埋葬"伟人"的墓地. 1814年到1830年间,它又归还教会.


社会三一论的谱系,<<圣经>>以外,可追溯至希腊教父亚塔那修(Athanasius)、卡帕多奇亚三杰(the Cappadocian Fathers)、大马士革的约翰(John of Damascus)等人,但也不局限于东方教父,拉丁语系的中世纪神学家圣维克多的理查德一般也被归入其"先贤祠"(pantheon),