英语人>词典>汉英 : 催生 的英文翻译,例句
催生 的英文翻译、例句


hasten child delivery · expedite child delivery · hasten parturition
更多网络例句与催生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper suggests that this academic trend of "borrowing" was directly originated from the policy of "reform and opining up" for the last thirty years in the society and big cultural environment of Mainland China, such as the decline of "revolution and enlightenment", the rise of "self-description", and the "passion for the studies of academicism" aroused in recent years.


However, at Yuan dynasty and earlier Ming dynasty, Muslin distributed over all china and gather partly. Muslin who gather together in Nanjing and the station of special economy, politics and culture had brought up Zhangzhong (born at Suzhou, studing at Nanjing), Wangdaiyu, Liuzhi, Mazhu, Jintianzhu, etc, who are familiar with four religions and are scholar of Jingling school of thought of Chinese Islamism .They deeply thought of theirselves'nationality and their religion by highly sense of historical mission and sense of duty. They initiated"explaining Alcoran with Confusion"movement. The movement and it's practice essencely is the talk, interflow and mix between Islam civilization and Chinsese Confusion idea.


With network being introduced into traditional media, and the broadening of people on-line, the network has become Infobahn and medium autobahn in work and deed,and become the accelerator oflife anagenesis of the society.


A whopping 88% of the elite cited Iraq as one of the main factors driving anti-Americanism, as did 71% of the general public.


The extravagant life and artiness of the salt merchants aggravated the degenerated morals and manners formed in the mid-Ming Dynasty.


Application of media gateway technology, launched sobe First Class Service for multimedia conversion equipment - media server, thus the birth of a number of unique personality-related devices, such as using a variety of video and audio IO interface board video and audio media server for a wide range of media format conversion of documents between the high-performance media server.


Interests that gave birth to a lot of things have to be pure, hoodwink the people's awareness,it was as if the spirit of love is the highest realm.


In the other hand,Science had hastened Zheng Zhen Duo's literature research method,romantism had hastened Zheng Zhen Duo's literature ontology and independent literature thoughts.


Eschatology concerns antinomy in blessing and cursing, destroying and producing, and attributes the destructive time to man's original sin, which will lead to the end of the world. Meanwhile, eschatology combines the cyclical time with religious pilgrimage, thus bringing forth the function of production and creation, and moreover, assumes that time is in a state of spatialization during the chaotic period of creating a new world or a new age.


The outside pressure is an auxiliary element for the origination of internal audit of enterprises.


更多网络解释与催生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


然而,最近5年来的遗传学和考古学发现改变了这幅图景,催生出一系列新视角,洞悉家猫的世系(ancestry)以及家猫与人类关系的演化. silvestris)这个单一种的后代,但他们无法证实这一点. 此外,这个种的分布范围并不局限于地球上的某个小区域.


"生成"(Becoming)是中国美学的核心范畴,它将存在(Being)与非存在(Nonbeing)都纳入了思之领域. 中国美学对"非存在"的关注由于深受佛教的催生和激励而愈加深化和内化. 表现在艺术形态上,中国各门艺术都以显现"非存在之中的存在"为基本精神气质.

commercial vehicle:商用车

随着汽车工业日新月异的发展,老标准所涉及的"载货车、客车以及轿车"以及不能涵盖市场上所有的车型,因此才催生了新的划分标准,即把 "汽车"只划分为"乘用车"(passenger car)和 "商用车"(commercial vehicle)两大类.


从艺术史角度看,它特指19世纪后期以库尔贝(Courbet Gustave)为代表的一种艺术运动. 这一艺术运动为欧洲近代文化观念转变所催生,针对被当时艺术家(古典主义与浪漫主义者)普遍尊崇的"理想主义"而提出,主张艺术以 "准确而详尽"的形式关注当代社会生活,


scrap刮 | dilation扩张,膨胀 | saline盐水,用於在二十个星期之後的流产催生


文章编号:0257-5876(2004)03-0139-05 "帝国"(Empire)是对今日全球权力关系的一个高度诊断性概括. 迈克尔.哈特和安东尼奥.内格里断定:种种迹象表明,当代世界秩序正处在一个巨大的断裂之中. 其标志性特征就是,全球化的进程催生了一个帝国主权(imperials...


计算机网络的去中心、高效率、匿名互动等特性,将为女性达到"赋予权力"(empower)的效果起了促进作用. 当平民大众成为网络上审美活动从创作到接受的全过程的主体力量之后,由此孕育和催生出来的审美意识,

parturifacient:催生的 (形)

parturient 生子的, 临盆的, 生产的 (形) | parturifacient 催生的 (形) | parturition 分娩, 生产 (名)


\\"无尾的\\",\\"ecaudate,acaudal\\" | \\"催产剂,堕胎药,催生的\\",\\"ecbolic\\" | \\"偏心的,离心的\\",\\"eccentric\\"

Let it decompose in the ecbolic dew:任它在催生的露水里腐烂吧

啊,被迫滞留的是你的躯体, Oh, that that had to be left was your bod... | 任它在催生的露水里腐烂吧, Let it decompose in the ecbolic dew | 任它被同伴的硬蹄践踏, Let it be trumped by your fellows' hard hoo...