英语人>词典>汉英 : 修行者 的英文翻译,例句
修行者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gymnosophist  ·  Nazarite  ·  Nazirite

更多网络例句与修行者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Yoga origins from India, before the fable five millenniums on the ancient India's Mary mountain, some people build the sage, also some people become the gymnosophist, they will practice the secret to pass on the mean pursuer, the Yoga sustainer start only then the small number of people, generally in the temple, the village booth, the Himalaya Mountains cavern and the cover forest heartland will repair holds, will teach the disciple by the Yoga teacher who will be willing to accept for these.


Then there is only meditation, and not a meditator who is meditating.


It is important that the yogi understand that rupa or nama must always be the object of the practice.


Knowing the posture is sati, and knowing it is sitting rupa is sampajanna.


Some no-learning skills that are acquired by yoga practice are from self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, kundanili and refinement that directly respond to body and organs, so as to make therapy, enlightenment and abhiseka.


The wisdom of no-learning skills; however, doesn't pass through our consciousness at all. Some no-learning skills that are acquired by yoga practice are from self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, kundanili and refinement that directly respond to body and organs, so as to make therapy, enlightenment and abhiseka.


Samson was a Nazirite and had a certain code by which to live his life.


If a man of practice knows that when he succeeds in practice and gains the right achievement, he never is like those men, once they are on a high position and will be complacent, arrogant and boisterous; instead, his attitude will be humbler and more reverent, saluting to everyone with a bow. Knowing these, maybe he would give up practice.


If a man of practice knows that when he succeeds in practice and gains the right achievement, he never is like those men, once they are on a high position and will be complacent, arrogant and boisterous; instead, his attitude will be humbler and more reverent, saluting to everyone with a bow. Knowing these, maybe he would give up practice.


Consequently, not only do scholars play a vital role in the process of translation, but so do the arbiters of social sensitivities; and their roles are at least equally important to that of the practitioner, and definitely not less.


更多网络解释与修行者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blessings For Life:生命的祝福 (诸位大师祷文/长寿佛-马头明王修行者)

07 Way to Kundalini 灵量之路 (完满仪式(摘要) | 08 Blessings For Life 生命的祝福 (诸位大师祷文/长寿佛-马头明王修行者) | 09 Emotions 情感 (大黑天心咒)

Blessings For Life:生命的祝福 (諸位大師禱文 / 長壽佛-馬頭明王修行者) 釋迦吉祥林

7 Way to Kundalini 靈量之路 (完滿儀式(摘要)) 釋迦吉祥林 | 8 Blessings For Life 生命的祝福 (諸位大師禱文 / 長壽佛-馬頭明王修行者) 釋迦吉祥林 | 9 Emotions 情感 (大黑天心咒) 釋迦吉祥林


gymnastics 体操 | gymnosophist 修行者 | gymnosperm 裸子植物


gymnoplast /裸质体/ | gymnosophist /秘密信仰的信奉者/修行者/裸体主义者/ | gymnosperm /裸子植物/


Nazareth 拿撒勒 | Nazarite 修行者 | naze 山甲


Nazareth /拿撒勒/ | Nazarite /修行者/拿撒勒人/ | Nazi /纳粹党人/纳粹党的/


而这是我第一次的Pranayama体验,令我十分的震撼. 潘卡诩说一个真正的瑜珈修行者,几乎每天都会练习Pranayama,这可以净化你的身体与心灵,久而久之,前额还会泛著光芒. 小英:你觉得一个瑜珈修行者(Yogi)必须要有哪些特质呢?

Yoni's Pleasure:瑜伽修行者的快乐

07 Virgin Orchid 圣洁的兰花 | 08 Yoni's Pleasure 瑜伽修行者的快乐 | 01 The Golden Dragon 金色的龙

Samadhi Samadhi:或kaivalya是瑜伽的目标,在这一境界里瑜伽修行者与上帝相通

6.Dharana Dharana的意思是专心. | 7.Dhyana Dhyana的意思是冥想. | 8.Samadhi Samadhi或kaivalya是瑜伽的目标,在这一境界里瑜伽修行者与上帝相通.


yogi 瑜珈修行者 | yogini 瑜珈女修行者 | yogism 瑜珈教义