英语人>词典>汉英 : 位置觉 的英文翻译,例句
位置觉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
topesthesia  ·  topognosis

更多网络例句与位置觉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The fluorspar corresponds the sixth turn of - glabella wheel, theposition between two eyebrows third region, the corresponding colorfor not anxiously not Xu's purple blue color (red with blue colorunion, plays water color people all to know, but red representativewarm), third is the spiritual strength and the higher intuitioncenter, by way of a glabella turn of strength, can receive theguidance, and then the conduction sense knows to is higher oneself,lets the person experience the heart 电感应, patrols the universeand to the previous generation cognition.


As I watch Matthew cry nonstop, I feel really awful but because of work I can't release him to go home. All I can do is to provide him with a warm spot near the heater so he can get a good night's sleep, and when he wakes up he will be happy and ready to continue filming.


As long as a time, whether it is finished taking a bath, or feel, or even work in the gap yfzhg004, I would hand into a fist with four fingers to the knuckle, in the pectoralis major position, from the inside out parallel Massage inward.


By means of self-control, the change of the joint position sense and joint motion sense of one affected knee joint were observed.

主要观察指标:治疗前、治疗4 周后各采用Biodex System3型等速肌力测试训练系统测试关节位置觉和关节运动觉的变化。

The purpose of this study was to investigate the shoulder joint position sense in softball players with and without shoulder pain. Method: Two softball players (1 with and 1 without shoulder pain) were recruited from our school team.


Shoulder joint position sense decreased in the softball player with shoulder pain.


更多网络解释与位置觉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

atonic bladder:无张力性膀胱

atonia 肌张力缺失 | atonic bladder 无张力性膀胱 | atopognosia 位置觉缺失

kinesthetic sense:动觉

动觉( 动觉(kinesthetic sense)为我们提供运动过程中身体状态的反馈信息. ) 运动信息的来源:位于关节中的感受器 关节中的感受器和位于肌肉和腱中的感受器 肌肉和腱中的感受器. 关节中的感受器 肌肉和腱中的感受器 关节中的感受器对伴随不同肢体位置和关节运动的压力变化起反应.

depth perception:深度觉

深度觉(depth perception)又称深径觉,是用眼来辨别物体的空间方位、深度、凸凹等相对位置的能力. 对于高空作业等许多工作,尤其对飞行员来讲,深度觉是重要的项目之一. 检查用拉杆法,即用哈一多(Howord-Dolman)深度计检查或立体视图法.

posture sense:位置觉

posture 姿势 | posture sense 位置觉 | potassemia 高钾血


1.椭圆囊 椭圆囊(utricle)位于前庭后上部的椭圆囊隐窝中. 囊壁上端底部及前壁上感觉上皮,呈白斑状卵圆形的增厚区,称为椭圆囊斑(macu1a utriculi),有前庭神经椭圆囊支的纤维分布,感受位置觉,亦称位觉斑(maculae staticae).


anaphasis 后期 | anaphia 位置觉缺失 | anaphoresis 汗腺功能减退

equilibratory sensation:平衡觉

平衡觉:平衡觉(equilibratory sensation)又称静觉. 反映头部位置和身体平衡状态的感觉. 平衡觉的感受器叫前庭器官,它包括内耳的椭圆囊、球囊和三个半规管. 在头部或躯体位置及运动速度发生改变时,毛细胞兴奋,兴奋传到延髓、小脑、大脑皮层等相关区域,


toper 酒徒 | topesthesia 位置觉 | topic 主题


topodysesthesia 局部感觉迟钝 | topognosis 位置觉 | topographic model 位相模式

maculae staticae:位觉斑

囊壁上端底部及前壁上感觉上皮,呈白斑状卵圆形的增厚区,称为椭圆囊斑(macu1a utriculi),有前庭神经椭圆囊支的纤维分布,感受位置觉,亦称位觉斑(maculae staticae).