英语人>词典>汉英 : 人之精神 的英文翻译,例句
人之精神 的英文翻译、例句


inner man
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There is an inner man within all of us we have to call on once in a while.


Thus, the key to maintain public security is assisting the personnel to enhance specialized knowledge, respect for and willing to work, strengthening risk management and crisis management regarding the parolee, and simplifying procedures and constructing a integrated parole system.


Dostoevski told God-Man from Man-God, examined the differences between the true spirit of Christ and the anti-Christ who pretended to be Messiah and led people onto the road to serfdom. Dostoevski deeply doubted reason, liberty, enlightenment, and modernity, he also carefully looked into the painful tortured hearts of intellectuals, who were the offspring of modernity. All these above are embodied penetratively in 地下室人基里洛夫, Raskolnikov,梅希金、Ivan,etc.


As a part of enlightening culture, the enlightening literature is definitely a window that publicizes the logos spirit, however, literature is different from philosophy, literature is the artistic transexpression of the Zeitgeist, but not the direct expression of the rational principles, in the eighteenth century the thought of natural logos brought the production of the free humanity of literature, Faust pursues and explores forward constantly, which stands for the permanent"human"spirit, it means the human's release and rein on the atman, it is the natural situation after breaking the fetters, and it is the revertion of the human natural inbeing; Naive man is the unit that has not been touched by"civilization", it is the origianl nature of human beings, during the conflict and collision of these two different cultures--"nature"and"civilization", it holds the independent free spirit homestead; emotion is natural, when the society made it institutionalized, it is catabolized, Lockersha Na heard the voice of heart under the system of plural marriage, she released the human natural emotion, reverted the natural humanity; under the"civilization", individuality is deprived,"civilization"becomes the contrary of civilization, Rameau's nephew championed the individual existence and freedom in the period of losing"self", it stands for the"self"shaping in the independent pose.


This article is mainly a discussion on the spiritual damage compensation for close relatives of victim under the situations of damage to right of life, damage to the right of health and damage to the right of personality of the dead, which is based on an introduction and comparison of the concerned foreign legal regulations and academic theories and in combination with the legal practice in China Wherefore the author put forwards his own ideas as following: first, Under the condition that there is a distance of time between injury and death, the close relatives of the dead shall inherit the right of claim for spiritual damage compensation of the dead for the suffering before his death, in addition to their own intrinsic right of claim for spiritual damage compensation; The second, under the condition that the inflictor has caused the disablement of the sufferer or serious damage to his health, the close relative in a limited cycle of the sufferer should be granted with the right of claim for spiritual damage compensation, which is confirmed in law and becomes a practice in foreign countries; The third, since the aim of the law to protect the personality of the dead from infringement is to protect the benefits of the close relatives of the dead and to maintain public benefits, is constituted on the personality of the dead the close relative of the dead may initial legal proceeding for spiritual damage compensation.


A principal fruit of friendship, is the ease and discharge of the fulness and swellings of the heart, which passions of all kinds do cause and induce We know diseases of stoppings, and suffocations, are the most dangerous in the body; and it is not much otherwise in the mind; you may take sarza to open the liver, steel to open the spleen, flowers of sulphur for the lungs, castoreum for the brain; but no receipt openeth the heart, but a true friend; to whom you may impart griefs, joys, fears, hopes, suspicions, counsels, and whatsoever lieth upon the heart to oppress it, in a kind of civil shrift or confession


As a part of enlightening culture, the enlightening literature is definitely a window that publicizes the logos spirit, however, literature is different from philosophy, literature is the artistic transexpression of the Zeitgeist, but not the direct expression of the rational principles, in the eighteenth century the thought of natural logos brought the production of the free humanity of literature, Faust pursues and explores forward constantly, which stands for the permanent"human"spirit, it means the human's release and rein on the atman, it is the natural situation after breaking the fetters, and it is the revertion of the human natural inbeing; Naive man is the unit that has not been touched by"civilization", it is the origianl nature of human beings, during the conflict and collision of these two different cultures--"nature"and"civilization", it holds the independent free spirit homestead; emotion is natural, when the society made it institutionalized, it is catabolized, Lockersha Na heard the voice of heart under the system of plural marriage, she released the human natural emotion, reverted the natural humanity; under the"civilization", individuality is deprived,"civilization"becomes the contrary of civilization, Rameau's nephew championed the individual existence and freedom in the period of losing"self", it stands for the"self"shaping in the independent pose.


The Chan sect geare its cultivahon to the daily needs, in ouler to make its aesthetic mentality endowe, in the coume of cultivation, with chaseteristics of confirming man's spiritual cndion and suitable combination of activity with quietnes, resulting in beautifolness of silence.


This article is mainly a discussion on the spiritual damage compensation for close relatives of victim under the situations of damage to right of life, damage to the right of health and damage to the right of personality of the dead, which is based on an introduction and comparison of the concerned foreign legal regulations and academic theories and in combination with the legal practice in China Wherefore the author put forwards his own ideas as following: first, Under the condition that there is a distance of time between injury and death, the close relatives of the dead shall inherit the right of claim for spiritual damage compensation of the dead for the suffering before his death, in addition to their own intrinsic right of claim for spiritual damage compensation; The second, under the condition that the inflictor has caused the disablement of the sufferer or serious damage to his health, the close relative in a limited cycle of the sufferer should be granted with the right of claim for spiritual damage compensation, which is confirmed in law and becomes a practice in foreign countries; The third, since the aim of the law to protect the personality of the dead from infringement is to protect the benefits of the close relatives of the dead and to maintain public benefits, is constituted on the personality of the dead the close relative of the dead may initial legal proceeding for spiritual damage compensation.


Dostoevski told God-Man from Man-God, examined the differences between the true spirit of Christ and the anti-Christ who pretended to be Messiah and led people onto the road to serfdom. Dostoevski deeply doubted reason, liberty, enlightenment, and modernity, he also carefully looked into the painful tortured hearts of intellectuals, who were the offspring of modernity. All these above are embodied penetratively in 地下室人基里洛夫, Raskolnikov,梅希金、Ivan,etc.


更多网络解释与人之精神相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Berserker Rage:狂战士之怒

尚武的北欧人认为战斗时如能蒙奥丁的庇护,便能得到一股拥有熊之精神、狼之勇猛的力量,即所谓的狂战士之怒(Berserker rage)从而在战场上所向披靡,成为狂戰士(Berserker)北欧人还认为暴风雨是奥丁在骑马驰骋,收集亡魂,


cracker-barrel 不成熟的 | crackerjack 能力极强之人 | crackers 精神错乱的




exhilarant 令人振作精神之物 | exhilarant 使振作精神的 | exhilarating 使人愉快的


innative 以生具来的 | innavigable 不能航行的 | inner man 人之精神

inner man:人之精神

innavigable 不能航行的 | inner man 人之精神 | inner mongolia 中国内蒙古


从一向主知主义(intellectualism)之编尚,转而为主情主义、主意主义(emotionalism,voluntarism)这代兴. 其在心理学界新兴各派(如弗洛伊德之倡精神分析等),虽着眼所在种种不一,为说尽多不同,然其为西洋人之眼光从一向看重意识转而看重到其别一方面则似无不同.


释家人皆可以成佛,道教人皆可以为仙,儒家人人可为圣贤,等等,从而形成天、梵、道无处不在而尤与我人之本心、精神以及灵魂相通的"泛神论"(Pantheism)型的宗教及文化. 反之,西方则普遍地尊奉"一神论"(Monotheism)型的宗教及文化.


释家人皆可以成佛,玄门人皆可以为仙,儒家各人可为圣贤,等等,从而形整天、梵、道无处不在而尤与我人之本旨、精神以及灵魂类似的"泛神论"(Pantheism)型的宗教及文化. 反之,西方则普各处尊奉"一神论"(Monotheism)型的宗教及文化.


把亚里士多德的"精神论"(spiritualism)理解为现代人对"精神"的趋尚,要不是出于无知,就是太欠缺敬慎之意了. 先说怀疑论. 没有人比希腊人更懂得怀疑的真谛了. 古希腊的怀疑论者真可谓古今独步,他们从积极和消极两方面论证了知识的虚幻性;