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丞相 的英文翻译、例句


the Prime Minister
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Liu Bei is Your Majesty's uncle, and Sun Quan is the third-generation heir to the Dukedom of Wu.


PEI Song of the Three Kingdoms * Note * First Main Biography" contains:"At first, Liu Bei hit Sichuan, Zhao Jian puisne prime minister, saying:'Liu Bei, his ill-conceived or Down?


The public has the "Wu-designate relict species"(wu-designate is the prime minister Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms period) that it is the cultivation of tea has been the use of at least 1700 years of history


He was so great that everyone in the state of Shu loved him.


Moreover, I also textually researched three authors of "scolding Shi Huwen", scolding Li...


I call your true name, the almighty god of time, the guardian of time's father, Chronos!


It is not so much a government decree as a mythopoetic law, almost like a magic spell, which no one in the kingdom -- not the emperor, not Turandot, not the ministers -- can go against.


The Xiu Yang Han, the prime minister subglottic palm main book.


More attractions, none can not be separated from an ancient word: Huan Huaxi's Du Fu Cottage, Jin Zhuo River Wangjiang the floor, pine and cypress shade of the ancestral hall of the prime minister, Wenshu Temple of the Buddhist, Taoist Qingyang Gong, and Around Guilin, Baoguang Si, as well as Guanxian Dujiangyan Leshan Wu You, whether it is good Shan Sheng water, or garden of ancient temples, are deposited with the distribution of elegant beauty of the antique.


283 BC, also known as Kautilya, was adviser and prime minister[6] to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta c.


更多网络解释与丞相相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So Awful:曹操:这么难喝

小乔:都是浩泽活水站的功劳The merit goes to Ozner Water | 曹操:这么难喝So awful | 丞相:江河被污染The rivers are polluted, prime Majesly

beat back the Northern Wu Wan:北征乌丸

丞相 Prime Minister | 北征乌丸 beat back the Northern Wu Wan | 将士百姓都需要修养将息 Our troops and people need respite

Grand Commandant:太尉

御史大夫 (Grandee Secretary) 拥有与丞相类似的监督职责,而太尉 (Grand Commandant) 掌管军事. 丞相、御史大夫和太尉统称为"三公"(Three Excellencies). 接下来的职位是"九卿"(Nine Ministers),其职责包括礼仪和教育管理;皇家内务指导;


丞相 Prime Minister | 使者 messager | 八卦阵 yinyang formation


唐朝两位最著名的诗人中,被称为(诗仙)的是[李白]sx,lb | 中国唯一一位(女皇)帝是[武则天]nh,wzt | 中国有个女皇帝武则天 但还有个(女丞相)是[上官婉儿]ncx,sg,sgwe

the Premier:相国

丞相the Prime Minister | 相国the Premier | 大司马Great Minister of War

The Prime minister:丞相

丞相the Prime Minister | 相国the Premier | 大司马Great Minister of War

Prime Minister Tortoise:龟丞相

东海龙王:Dragon King of the Eastern Sea | 龟丞相:Prime Minister Tortoise | 天马:heavenly horse

prime ministry:皇帝叫丞相

highness手下叫丞相 | prime ministry皇帝叫丞相 | prime minister 首相

self-proclaimed Prime Minister:十、东吴那边人说曹操是自封的丞相

九、曹操说我要一统天下:I will rule the world with one name. | 十、东吴那边人说曹操是自封的丞相--self-proclaimed Prime Minister | 十一、与刘备结盟--build/form an allience with Liu Bei