英语人>词典>汉英 : 世袭贵族 的英文翻译,例句
世袭贵族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
eupatrid  ·  eupatridae  ·  eupatrids

peer of the realm
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Of the hereditary aristocracy or ruling class of ancient Rome or medieval Europe; of honorary nobility in the Byzantine empire.


Wells, who was attacked by Lewis for a narrow and unfeeling "humanism", feared this, and he did indeed believe that the world would be better off if governed by a technocracy of trained, literate and numerate experts rather than by a hereditary ruling class or by demagogues elected through manipulation of an uninformed democracy.


Mill launches majority tyranny regarding freedom as logic starting point and points out that majority tyranny means that commercial class and hereditary nobles use state power and consensus to constrain knowledge elites.


The Illuminist plan was to unseat the present powers of hereditary aristocracy and replace them with an intellectual aristocracy, using a staged revolt of the masses.


I. 据辛普里丘: Of those who say that is one and in motion and unlimited, Anaximander, son of Praxiades, a Milesian who became successor and pupil of Thales, said that that the unlimited is both principle and element of the things that exist, being the first to introduce this name of the principle.


Byron speaks out against his contemporary poet rivals Southey, Wordsworth, the "intellectual eunuch Castlereagh", etc.


He did not see that the continuity of an oligarchy need not be physical, nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been shortlived, whereas adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church have sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years.


Like the "big house" fiction of the English eighteenth century, these ancestral manses provide a locus of activity, as the nobles, their extended families, friends, and servants mingle and interact constantly.


The Lords Temporal consist of 1 all hereditary peers and peeresses of England,Scotland,Great Britain and the United Kingdom;2life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties;3all other life peers.

世俗议员包括 1所有英,苏,大不列颠及联合王国的世袭贵族,女贵族;2协助议院司法工作的终身贵族;3其他终身贵族。

She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished.


更多网络解释与世袭贵族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baronage:男爵, 男爵勋位, 贵族

baron | 男爵(英国世袭的最低级的贵族爵位) | baronage | 男爵, 男爵勋位, 贵族 | baroness | 男爵夫人, 女性男爵


Bourbon House 波旁王朝 | boyar 世袭大贵族 | boycott 杯葛


本身实行的是封建分封制,公(Duke), 侯(Marquis), 伯(Count), 子(Viscount), 男(Baron) 各级世袭贵族占有了几乎全部土地. 同期的我国虽然也有贵族, 但是远没有欧洲贵族在领地的那么大权力. 欧洲在商业极其发达的海港还出现了自由都市,


euonymus 卫矛 | eupatrid 世袭贵族 | eupepsia 消化良好

harrow cart:畜力耙的座位架

nonreflexive 非自反的 | harrow cart 畜力耙的座位架 | peer of the realm [英]有资格成为上议院议员的贵族 世袭贵族


本身实行的是封建分封制,公(Duke), 侯(Marquis), 伯(Count), 子(Viscount), 男(Baron) 各级世袭贵族占有了几乎全部土地. 同期的我国虽然也有贵族, 但是远没有欧洲贵族在领地的那么大权力. 欧洲在商业极其发达的海港还出现了自由都市,

peer of the realm:[英]有资格成为上议院议员的贵族 世袭贵族

harrow cart 畜力耙的座位架 | peer of the realm [英]有资格成为上议院议员的贵族 世袭贵族 | pout 撅嘴, 板脸, 生气, 大头鱼类 撅嘴, 绷脸

pout:撅嘴, 板脸, 生气, 大头鱼类 撅嘴, 绷脸

peer of the realm [英]有资格成为上议院议员的贵族 世袭贵族 | pout 撅嘴, 板脸, 生气, 大头鱼类 撅嘴, 绷脸 | accelerator starvation 促进剂用量不足

She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished:她认为世袭贵族应当被废除

25. the main objection to the hereditary principle is that such peers are not elec... | 27. She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished.她认为世袭贵族应当被废除. | 28. a hereditary title...


支持君主制根基的贵族(aristocrats)也丧失了政治权力,其中许多人经济基础削弱,有些甚至荡然无存,变成穷光蛋. 新工党政府任内,首相贝理雅一声令下,把所有的世袭贵族赶出上议院,即贵族院. House of Lords里面的lords是退休政客,