英语人>词典>汉英 : 丁沃尔 的英文翻译,例句
丁沃尔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In addition to Ysaye Barnwell's new work, the Choral Arts Society's Tribute to Martin Luther King included a newsreel of Dr.


At the other extreme, antique dealing has always had a seamy side. Michael Golding admitted that his shop had been attacked by smash-and-grab raiders twice in the last year, and that there had been almost 40 robberies from reputable Cotswold dealers


At the other extreme, antique dealing has always had a seamy side. Michael Golding admitted that his shop had been attacked by smash-and-grab raider s twice in the last year, and that there had been almost 40 robberies from reputable Cotswold dealers


Born in Cornwall in 1911, Golding was raised in Marlborough, Wiltshire.


Besides Aaron Brooks, Kyle Lowery, and Trevor Ariza, I think you will enjoy watching Chase Budinger and Jermaine Taylor.


Other critics-raving recordings include the Walton Concerto and Britten's Cello Symphony with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields under Sir Neville Marriner released in 1997 (the Britten being described by Edward Greenfield in Gramophone as "beyond any rival"), the complete works for cello and piano by Grieg and Delius with pianist Bengt Forsberg in 1998, and the "Cello Moods", a collection of favourites and rarities with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under James Judd.


Lisa Smith Mauldin, a customer-service manager at a Wal-Mart store in Hiram, filed the lawsuit in October asking the court to declare the company's health plan illegal and to order Wal-Mart to reimburse her and other employees for uninsured prescription contraceptives.


Webster, the lexicographer; Prescott, Motley, Bancroft, Parkman, the historians; Longfellow, Edgar Allan Poe, James Russell Lowell, William Greenleaf Whittier, Walt Whitman, the poets; Washington Irving, Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Brockden Brown, JK Paulding, Bret Harte, the novelists; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the essayists and philosophers; Mark Twain and Artemus Ward, the humorists--these made up a glorious company that shed lustre on American literature wherever the english tongue was spoken.


Tiu, the god of war and the sky),"沃登"(Woden, King of heaven; Anglo-Saxon name for Odin),"托尔"以及"弗雷娅"(Freya, the goddess of love and beauty),"弗雷".


The Tsar had also in attendance on him in no definite capacity, Araktcheev, the late minister of war; Count Bennigsen, by seniority the first of the generals; the Tsarevitch, Konstantin Pavlovitch; Count Rumyantsev, the chancellor; Stein, the former Prussian minister; Armfeldt, the Swedish general; Pfuhl, the chief organiser of the plan of the campaign; Paulucci, a Sardinian refugee, who had been made a general-adjutant; Woltzogen; and many others.


更多网络解释与丁沃尔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"124132","达尔豪西(加拿大)","Dalhousie" | "124135","迪格比(加拿大)","Digby" | "124138","丁沃尔(加拿大)","Dingwall"

Harding University:(哈丁大学)

哈丁大学(Harding University)是美国南部著名的私立大学,以人文学科和科学研究见长. 它位于美国阿肯色州,这是克林顿总统的故乡,也是世界最大的零售商沃尔玛总部所在地. 哈丁大学始建于1924年,在校学生约6000人,来自美国50个州及世界46个国家和地区,


奇 (美国) 吉普(JEEP) (美国) 普利茅斯 三菱 (日本) 现代汽车集团 现代 (韩国) 起亚 (韩国) 丰田-大发-日野集团 丰田 (日本) 雷克萨斯 (日本) 皇冠 (日本) 大发 (日本) 斯巴鲁(富士重工、SUBARU) (日本) 福特-美洲虎-沃尔沃-马自达-阿斯顿马丁-兰德罗孚集团 福特 (美国) 林肯 (美国) 水星 (美国) 沃尔沃Volvo (瑞典) 马自达

Nigel Martyn:尼格尔-马丁

尔(Stephen McPhail) 自由转会 英冠米尔沃尔 前爱尔兰国脚00/01赛季欧冠四强成员多米尼克-马特奥(Dominic Matteo) 自由转会 英超布莱克本 利物浦青训球员前苏格兰国脚00/01赛季欧冠四强力尼格尔-马丁(Nigel Martyn) 解约 英超埃弗顿


毕竟,自从柏拉图(Plato) ,亚里斯多德(Aristo-teles) ,普洛丁(Plotin) ,奥古斯丁(Augustin) ,托马斯(Tho-mas) 提出关于美的问题以来,特别是自从科学的美学由沃尔夫的学生鲍姆加登(A.G.Baumgarten)提出以来(他比康德的第三"批判'要早40年) ,


这个鹿角在丁沃尔(Dingwall)一家酒店的展厅里陈列了多年,但令人遗憾的是,它后来失踪了. 根据判断,这应该是较晚时期的旧石器时代文化在欧洲北部高地的遗留下来的历史见证. 其上雕刻的图案看起来带有马格德林人的特征.


"124135","迪格比(加拿大)","Digby" | "124138","丁沃尔(加拿大)","Dingwall" | "124141","多米诺(加拿大)","Domino"


826168,"达特茅斯(英国)","Dartmouth" | 826171,"丁沃尔(英国)","Dingwall" | 826174,"道格拉斯(英国)","Douglas"

Dingwall:丁沃尔 CANADA 加拿大

124135 DIGBY 迪格比 CANADA 加拿大 | 124138 DINGWALL 丁沃尔 CANADA 加拿大 | 124141 DOMINO 多米塔 CANADA 加拿大

The Good Shepherd:忠于职守

.达蒙 帕迪.康斯戴恩 朱丽娅.斯蒂尔斯 无间行者 (The Departed) 动作 美国 导演:马丁.斯科西斯 演员:莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥 杰克.尼科尔森 马克.沃尔伯格 亚历克.鲍德温 马特.达蒙 马丁.西恩 忠于职守 (The Good Shepherd) 剧情 美国 导演