英语人>词典>汉英 : 一见 的英文翻译,例句
一见 的英文翻译、例句


at sight · on sight
更多网络例句与一见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'd like you to meet Amber.


Critics of the US who regard its foreign policy as amoral and nationalistic should meet the Chinese.


Good." see one man comes www.google-web.org out from house at this moment, two people see arris, the man says:"You are too tired, rest rest to go again!


Suzhou tiger grave has a bonze only delicious wine flesh, he sees bean curd a kind dish is beetle-browed, as holding Buddhist monastic discipline person like seeing cruelly oppress is beetle-browed.


Then when I meet her,she blindman's buff,and get ready to shock me,then said to me:"I don't know what the reason is,I will be originally flare up to you as soon as you come to here.but I'm not angry when you come to."


You quietly to give an opinion on Mr WONG, clothes, clothes at the sight of red, looked at the side of mountains, suspiciously like crossing a gold.


Results一. Culturing and identification of human conjunctiva cells1. morphous of conjunctiva cellsCells were harvested by tissue cultivation after digestion. Ponderosus cells adhered after 48 hours. Cells were shown in shape of round, ellipse and polygon. Cell body was loose and lucency with nucleus in center, cell membrane was also clearly seen. Cells were arranged in inlay and fuse in film after 12-14 days.2. Immunochemistry testNomogeneous immunochernical positive granules against CK13 were observed in endochylema of human conjunctiva cells.3. growth curve of conjunctival cellsSubcultured cells were aged and feeble after 5th passage.


Shavian came, so did the invitation, so if "there is such a person who is worth visiting, then I just go and have a look."


And how glad and grateful I am it ain't no worse; for luck's against us, and it never rains but it pours, and when I see that truck I thought we'd lost you, for I knowed by the color and all it was just like your brains would be if -- Dear, dear, whyd'nt you TELL me that was what you'd been down there for, I wouldn't a cared.


One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.


更多网络解释与一见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at first blush:一见,初见

blunder through 胡乱应付 | at first blush 一见,初见 | put sb to the blush 使某人脸红

I love you at first glance:我对你一见锺情

Act one was, when we met 第一幕是我们相遇 | I love you at first glance 我对你一见锺情 | Yor read your lines so cleverly 而你的台词背的如此纯熟

One eye-witness is better than ten ear-witnesses:(百闻不如一见. )

* No sooner said than done.(说到做到. ) | * One eye-witness is better than ten ear-witnesses.(百闻不如一见. ) | * One hour today is worth two tomorrow.(今天一小时抵得明天两小时. )

One eye-witness is better than ten hear-say:百闻不如一见

4. Prevention is better than cure. 预防胜于治疗. | 5. One eye-witness is better than ten hear-say. 百闻不如一见. | 6. Offense is the best defense. 进攻是最好的防守.


上帝今天对俺特Mercy, | 一见你俺就一阵Flurry, | 你让俺忧愁让俺Merry.

the crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon:大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子,立刻哄堂大笑

everybody in the room surprised at him as he guffawed o... | the crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon . 大家一见小丑那种滑稽样子,立刻哄堂大笑. | 12、 cachinnat...

on sight:一见就......,立即

on schedule按预定时间 | on sight一见就......,立即 | argue about争论

Seeing is believing, than see hundred worked:百闻不如一见,百见不如一干

.Tasty white rice, grains and difficult kinds of field... | .Seeing is believing, than see hundred worked.百闻不如一见,百见不如一干. | .Kim Fai wastrel such as sewage, manure pity Hing family like gol...

Seeing is believing. =To see is to believe:百闻不如一见

274. 退一步想最稳当 Second thoughts are best. | 275. 百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing. =To see is to believe. | 276. 有福同享;有难同当 Share and share alike.


一朵云叶 pittosporum leaf | 一见喜 andrographis | 一身 whole body