英语人>词典>汉英 : 一窝蜂 的英文翻译,例句
一窝蜂 的英文翻译、例句


like a swarm of bees · do something in a confused manner
更多网络例句与一窝蜂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The way to glory is swarmed with annoyingly stubborn enemies whose only passion is their stash.

该方法是一窝蜂的荣耀与annoyingly顽固的敌人,唯一的激情是他们的stash 。

I won't jump on the bandwagon.


Besides, if something is trendy, it's probably already too late to jump on that bandwagon.


We shun conventionality, but we put on a uniform to do it.


It's an effect so far-reaching that it goes beyond alliteration and can even influence where we'll choose to live: women named Georgia are disproportionally more likely to move to the state of Georgia, and men called Louis are over-represented in Louisiana.


However, these countryside young and vigorous men felt very bored at home after the harvest of cereals, and then they left to the forests to cut down trees and work there.


But swarmed changing of the planting led to the over production and the fall of price, and farmers were prepared to cut those useless maidenhair trees.


When I had first sallied from the door, the other mutineers had been already swarming up the palisade to make an end of us.


Therefore, the actual size of the swarm is, in general, much smaller than E.


It focuses on journalists themselves and attempts to understand the interactive relationship of TV news workers, colleagues and managers though field study and in-depth interviews. Finally, I use grounded theory to analyze field information, concretizing the research subject and goals, with discussions of the model of news production in pack journalism.


更多网络解释与一窝蜂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dead Calm:航越地平线

另外,华纳还在这一周一口气宣布了十个旧片蓝光碟的发行计划,和今年4月的那次一样,这十部影片又将一窝蜂地在9月8日这天推出,它们是:>(Sphere)>(Catwoman)>(Creepshow)>(Dead Calm)>(


现任国王JigmeSingye提出"全国快乐指数"(GrossNationalHappiness),在全球一窝蜂追求国民生产总(GNP)之际,别具智慧. 他十九岁登基,曾在伦敦念书,深受西方教育,王子如今给送到牛津大学. 不丹人除了学习国家语言西藏文,从小就学英语,


在感谢Mel Novikoff奖委员会的同时,他还不忘再次抨击主流商业院线一窝蜂拍摄发行昂贵的3D和续集电影对独立电影业所造成的冲击,他说像>(Julia)这样优秀的剧情电影在美国只取得了6万5千的票房,得不到大规模的放映机会,

I won't jump on the bandwagon:我不会一窝蜂跟流行的

1481. 我把自己锁在外面了 I locked myself out. | 1482. 我不会一窝蜂跟流行的. I won't jump on the bandwagon. | 1483. 我不知道他出什么事了 I wonder what happened to him.

Skeleton mastery:支配骷髅

相比之下我召唤骷髅中最重要的技能支配骷髅(Skeleton Mastery)根本就没掌握,所召唤的骷髅看上去数量众多却不中用. 我本身也只是在战斗中让它们一窝蜂的冲上去而好无任何战术可言. 也许这本特别的技能书在中间起了一些作用,

The Postman:邮差

和今年4月的那次一样,这十部影片又将一窝蜂地在9月8日这天推出,它们是:>(Sphere)>(Catwoman)>(Creepshow)>(Dead Calm)>(Over the Top)>(The Postman)以及新线的<<新版

esti tute senvalora:[一无可取]

[一窝蜂] kiel svarmo da abeloj | [一无可取] havi nenion rekomendindan; esti bona por nenio; esti tute senvalora; havi nenian indon | [一无可取之处] estas nenio dezirinda

Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall:大群的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅

7343. There were hordes of people at the jumble sale. 废... | 7344. Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall. 大群的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅. | 7345. Tartar hordes scattered on the plain. 鞑靼人的...


Factory Acts 工厂法案 | Fads 一窝蜂;赶时髦 | Failing firm doctrine 垂危产业理论