英语人>词典>汉英 : 一神论的 的英文翻译,例句
一神论的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
monotheistic  ·  theistical

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The principal ideas behind this theory are: the monotheistic religion of Akhenaten being a possible predecessor to Moses' monotheism, and a contemporaneous collection of "Amarna Letters" written by nobles to Akhenaten (Amarna was Akhenaten's capital city) which describe raiding bands of "Habiru" attacking the Egyptian territories in Mesopotamia.


When they made claims that Jesus was divine, it was part of their task to make their witness in ways that would not challenge monotheism.


But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity.


Monotheistic groups continue to live today with a religious heritage, much of which found first expression in Aramaic.


At the same time, it upset Christian orthodoxy, even the attenuated Unitarian form.


For Unitarian Universalists, and other liberal movements, it is regarded as a sacred text, but not as a divinely revealed work.


As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the priviliege of monotheism. And the animistic interpretations of the religions of nature are in principle not annulled by monopolisation.


Monotheism, however, prevails over the cosmogonic and ethical dualism because Ahura Mazda is father of both spirits, who were divided into the two opposed principles only through their choice and decision.


The principal ideas behind this theory are: the monotheistic religion of Akhenaten being a possible predecessor to Moses' monotheism, and a contemporaneous collection of "Amarna Letters" written by nobles to Akhenaten (Amarna was Akhenaten's capital city) which describe raiding bands of "Habiru" attacking the Egyptian territories in Mesopotamia.


In their view, many people who claim to be monotheists are actually polytheists and idolaters.


更多网络解释与一神论的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


miasm 顺势疗法中所指的患某种病的趋势 | monism 一神论 | neoplasticism 新造型主义(画派)


释家人皆可以成佛,道教人皆可以为仙,儒家人人可为圣贤,等等,从而形成天、梵、道无处不在而尤与我人之本心、精神以及灵魂相通的"泛神论"(Pantheism)型的宗教及文化. 反之,西方则普遍地尊奉"一神论"(Monotheism)型的宗教及文化.

monotheism:一神论 unitarian:一神论

Monosyllable:单音节 | Monotheism:一神论 unitarian:一神论 | Trilateral:有三边的,对三者有关系的


monotheism 一神论 | monotheist 一神论者 | monotheistic 一神论的


monotheist 一神论者 | monotheistic 一神论的 | monotone 单调的


在"有神论"还有分为"多神论"(polytheism)和"一神论"(monotheism),对存在着几个神全都是终极的说法会有反对意见. 多神论实际上否认了任何神是终极的. 比较高级的有神论传统中没有一个是支持多个神的. 只可能有一个"上帝"(God),


在17世纪之前,它们可以分别和"一神论"(Theism)与"一神论者"(Theist)这样的称呼通用. 希腊文把神(god)称为"theist",拉丁语把神叫作"deus",因此也就不难理解,源于这两种古老语言的这些字眼通常会被当作同义词来使用.

theist:有神论者; 一神论者 (名)

theism 有神论, 茶中毒, 一神论 (名) | theist 有神论者; 一神论者 (名) | theistic 有神论的; 一神论的 (形)

一神论 unitarian:一神论:Monotheism

Monosyllable:单音节 | Monotheism:一神论 unitarian:一神论 | Trilateral:有三边的,对三者有关系的

theistic:有神论的; 一神论的 (形)

theist 有神论者; 一神论者 (名) | theistic 有神论的; 一神论的 (形) | thelitis 乳头发炎 (名)