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women's dress的中文,翻译,解释,例句

women's dress

women's dress的基本解释


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In particular, the late-seventeenth-century introduction of a new style of dress called the manteau or mantua, and its increasing popularity, offered female seamstresses a "wedge " to loosen the tailors' monopoly over the production of more formal, elite, and expensive women's fashions.

第一段大概意思,一个新式以m打头的一个单词的东西的兴起使法国女裁缝打破男裁缝垄断的现状。什么原本是比较高级的衣服,给比较有地位的人穿。但是现在m这个单词的东西开始使 women's clothing market 变得流行。

And the westernized women's clothing formed, namely the women's clothing of Shanghai's style.2、 Westernized subject content that the westernization of the modeling element is the women's clothing, and modeling westernization of element clothing structure, clothing modeling form change that westernization brings of craft in fact: The westernization of the element of the surface fabric, on one hand influenced by western artistic style, on one hand textile technology, westernized result of technology of dyeing ; The auxiliary materials element is occidentalized to followthe direct result of western fashion , aesthetic change.3、 Key point that Shanghai women's clothing is westernized that widewesternization is the Republic of China period, occidentalize to make the wholeform of the women's clothing changed into the Western-style S type from thetraditional H type in wide type, the change of such external form is the widecultural transition to narrow clothes decorations culture of clothes decorations infact.4、 In the westernized course of the women's clothing of the Republic of ChinaShanghai, 1920 times rely mainly on the fact that the dress is matched andoccidentalized ; 1930 times rely mainly on occidentalizing in modeling ; And1940 times rely mainly on the fact that the auxiliary materials are occidentalized .

局部西化女装是在保留部分传统女装构成元素的基础上,通过造型元素西化、面料元素西化或辅料元素西化,而形成的西化女装,即海派女装。 2、造型元素的西化是女装西化的主体内容,而造型元素的西化实质上是服装结构、工艺的西化带来的服装造型形态变化;面料元素的西化,一方面是受到西方艺术风格的影响,一方面是纺织技术、染色技术的西化结果;辅料元素西化多是追随西方流行时尚、审美变化的直接结果。 3、廓型的西化是民国时期上海女装西化的关键所在,廓型西化使得女装的整体形态由传统的H型转变为西式的S型,这种外在的形态的改变实质上是宽衣服饰文化向窄衣服饰文化的过渡。 4、民国上海女装的西化过程中,1920年代以服饰搭配西化为主;1930年代以造型西化为主;而1940年代以辅料西化为主。

In the Women's Jingle Dress Dance, women wear dresses with "jingles" on them and dance in a sort of side-step around a sick person in order to help cure him.

而在女性的叮当服装舞(Women's Jingle Dress Dance)中,女性会穿上挂有铃铛的服装并在病患身旁侧步跳舞,希望能治愈这位病患。

更多网络解释与women's dress相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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