英语人>词典>英汉 : tegmentum的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

tegmentum [teg'mentəm]


被盖, 大脑脚盖

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The substantia nigra is located in the tegmentum of the midbrain.


A nucleus of the tegmentum; it contains the cell bodies of many the neurons that compose the mesotelencephalic dopamine system.

为盖膜的神经核;它包括许多神经元的细胞体,组成 mesotelencephalic 多巴胺系统。

The area of the ventral tegmentum medial to the substantia nigra; it contains the cell bodies of many of the neurons that compose the mesotelencephalic dopamine system.

为腹内侧盖膜到黑质的区域;它包括许多神经元的细胞体,组成 mesotelencephalic 多巴胺系统。

Midbrain atrophy and diffuse high signal lesions on T 2 weighted images in the tegmentum and tectum of the brain stem are characteristic of PSP and coincide with the degree of severity and duration of the disease.

中脑萎缩和脑干被盖、顶盖部T2 加权像弥散性高信号损害是PSP的特点,且和临床有相一致的关系。

These author found that destruction of per-aqueductal gray matter and adjacent tegmentum beneath the superior colliculi abolished or greatly reduced facio-vocal behavior.


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主要的输入来自大脑皮层和丘脑,输出至丘脑、中脑的顶盖和被盖(tegmentum). 从黑质的含多巴胺的纤维放射到尾状核;从尾状核的含GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)的纤维放射到苍白球和黑质. 在尾核内具有乙酰胆碱效应的介在神经元.


脑干指的是位於丘脑与脊髓之间的区域,其中包含了髓(medulla)、脑桥(pons)、顶盖(tectum)、网状区(reticular formation)及大脑脚盖(tegmentum)等部份. 具有控制饥饿、口渴、睡眠、呼吸、血压、心搏等各种无意识的功能. 脑干并向下连接著脊髓.


脑干指的是位於丘脑与脊髓之间的区域,其中包含了髓(medulla)、脑桥(pons)、顶盖(tectum)、网状区(reticular formation)及大脑脚盖(tegmentum)等部份. 具有控制饥饿、口渴、睡眠、呼吸、血压、心搏等各种无意识的功能. 脑干并向下连接著脊髓.


tegment 外被 | tegmentum 芽鳞 | teichoic acid 磷壁酸

pontine tegmentum:桥被盖

pontine 脑桥的 | pontine tegmentum 桥被盖 | pontobulbar 脑桥延髓的

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