英语人>词典>英汉 : tap-room的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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This took place in the tap-room near Javert's post.


He drew near to a candle in the tap-room.


He entered the tap-room. Javert, still bound to the post, was engaged in meditation.


A smoky tap-room presented itself,they entered, and the remainder of their confidential colloquy was lost in shadow


All this, which was rather to be apprehended than seen through the smoke, Marius, who was entering the tap-room, hardly noticed.

这一切都发生在烟雾中,看不大清楚。马吕斯正冲进那厅堂,几乎不知道有这一经过 ssbbww 。

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high voltage tap changer; high tension tap changer:高压调压开关

低压调压开关 low voltage tap changer; low tension tap changer | 高压调压开关 high voltage tap changer; high tension tap changer | 位置转换开关 position changeover switch

low voltage tap changer; low tension tap changer:低压调压开关

调压开关 tap changer | 低压调压开关 low voltage tap changer; low tension tap changer | 高压调压开关 high voltage tap changer; high tension tap changer


tap-off 跳球 | tap-tap 敲门声 | tapa 树皮布