英语人>词典>英汉 : sparrow hawk的中文,翻译,解释,例句
sparrow hawk的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sparrow hawk

sparrow hawk的基本解释


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A sparrow -hawk hovered in the sun's eye.


From their dominant hilltops—called Athens, Normandy and Sparrow Hawk—all they survey with their high-tech gadgetry is Taliban country.


By analyzing these indices, combined with their flight behaviors at the airport and its neighbourhood, we identified bird species that have the potential to threaten flight security at Baita Airport; The results showed that the 23 bird species including magpie and red falcon are the most hazard to flight security and the eight bird species including sparrow Hawk and Greenfinch are the hazard.


By analyzing these indices, combined with their flight behaviors at the airport and its neighbourhood, we identified bird species that have the potential to threaten flight security at Baita Airport;The results showed that the 23 bird species including magpie and red falcon are the most hazard to flight security and the eight bird species including sparrow Hawk and Greenfinch are the hazard.


Also, they must perform difficult programs such as "sparrow hawk turning upside down"and "whipping one's horse on".


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更多网络解释与sparrow hawk相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sparrow hawk:食雀鹰

sparring partner 拳击对手 | sparrow hawk 食雀鹰 | sparrow 麻雀

sparrow hawk:雀鹰

冠鱼狗,crested kingfisher | 雀鹰,sparrow hawk | 白腰草鹬,green sandpiper

sparrow hawk:松雀鹰

棘鳞 sparoid scales | 松雀鹰 Sparrow Hawk | 雀 sparrows

Eurosian Sparrow Hawk:雀鷹

禿鷲Cinereous Vulture | 雀鷹Eurosian Sparrow Hawk | 普通鵟Common Buzzard

Besra Sparrow hawk Accipiter virgatus:松雀鹰

107 0690 日本松雀鹰 Japanese Sparrow hawk Accipiter gularis | 108 0691 松雀鹰 Besra Sparrow hawk Accipiter virgatus | 109 0699 雀鹰 Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus

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