英语人>词典>英汉 : soda soap的中文,翻译,解释,例句
soda soap的中文,翻译,解释,例句

soda soap

soda soap的基本解释

[化] 硬皂

更多网络例句与soda soap相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What about bicarbonate of soda with dish soap?


A mixture of bicarbonate of soda, dish soap and vinegar is a really good all-purpose household cleaner. It's good for the environment too.


One of the most widely employed materials of the chemical industry, it is used in manufacturing chlorine, caustic soda, sodium carbonate, bicarbonate of soda, soap, and chlorine bleach, as well as in ceramic glaze s, metallurgy, food preservation, curing of hides, road de-icing, water softening, photography, and many consumer products, including mineral waters, mouthwashes, and table salt itself.


One of the most widely employed materials of the chemical industry, it is used in manufacturing chlorine, caustic soda, sodium carbonate, bicarbonate of soda, soap, and chlorine bleach, as well as in ceramic glazes, metallurgy, food preservation, curing of hides, road de-icing, water softening, photography, and many consumer products, including mine ral waters, mouthwashes, and table salt itself.


One of the most widely employed materials of the chemical industry, it is used in manufacturing chlorine, caustic soda, sodium carbonate, bicarbonate of soda, soap, and chlorine bleach, as well as in ceramic glazes, metallurgy, food preservation, curing of hides, road de-icing, water softening, photography, and many consumer products, including mineral waters, mouthwashes, and table salt itself.


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更多网络解释与soda soap相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

soda soap:钠皂

以钠皂(Soda soap)与润滑油结合制成者,称为「钠基润滑脂」,滴点高、抗氧化,具有较长纤维结构和良好的拉丝性,可以使用在振动较大、温度较高的滚动或滑动轴承上.

soda soap:钠皂,硬皂

sodalime cartridge苏打石灰筒 | soda soap钠皂,硬皂 | sodium amalgam钠汞合金,钠汞齐

soap soda scouring:皂练

soap powder 皂粉 | soap soda scouring 皂练 | soaper 煮皂工