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script girl的中文,翻译,解释,例句

script girl

script girl的基本解释


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M – Oh, he is a gorgeous gentleman! I felt very sorry for him on set to begin with, because nobody talked to him. Only a few people could speak English and everyone was so busy. But he's a very generous guy, very gentle. We had one scene at the end of the movie where we say goodbye and the script said that we should hug. When we did it, he kissed me on my cheek – unrehearsed with the cameras rolling. I was a little bit shocked, being such an innocent Chinese girl.

h3 h'{; W。 i r$ q聆听璇律叶璇影迷会璇-他是个十足的绅士,刚开始我觉得他十分可怜,因为没人跟他说话,只有少数几个人会说英语而且每个人都很忙,但是他是个很不错的人,非常和善,有一场戏的最后我们说再见,剧本里要求我们拥抱,当我们拥抱的时候,他亲了亲我的脸颊,我有一点震惊,因为我是一个内敛的传统中国女孩。

J; g0 B# q1 b k' M$ w7 V聆听璇律叶璇影迷会 M – Oh, he is a gorgeous gentleman! I felt very sorry for him on set to begin with, because nobody talked to him. Only a few people could speak English and everyone was so busy. But he's a very generous guy, very gentle. We had one scene at the end of the movie where we say goodbye and the script said that we should hug. When we did it, he kissed me on my cheek – unrehearsed with the cameras rolling. I was a little bit shocked, being such an innocent Chinese girl.

Z4 d* X! t4 H+ u$ u/ R 璇-他是个十足的绅士,刚开始我觉得他十分可怜,因为没人跟他说话,只有少数几个人会说英语而且每个人都很忙,但是他是个很不错的人,非常和善,有一场戏的最后我们说再见,剧本里要求我们拥抱,当我们拥抱的时候,他亲了亲我的脸颊,我有一点震惊,因为我是一个内敛的传统中国女孩。

She wrote her name on the pad in school girl script .


更多网络解释与script girl相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Camerist of Still & Script Girl:剧照、场记

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script girl, continuity girl:场记员

sound engineer, recording director 录音师 | script girl, continuity girl 场记员 | scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家

script girl, continuity girl:场记员aJh中国英语学习网

soundengineer,recording director录音师aJh中国英语学习网 | script girl,continuity girl场记员aJh中国英语学习网 | scenario writer,scenarist剧作家aJh中国英语学习网