英语人>词典>英汉 : rumble seat的中文,翻译,解释,例句
rumble seat的中文,翻译,解释,例句

rumble seat

rumble seat的基本解释

旧式汽车后部的敞篷座位(不用时可将敞篷折叠起来), [俚语](人的)臀部

更多网络例句与rumble seat相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat .


In my mother's vision of the better life there were desks and white collars, well-pressed suits, evenings of reading and lively talk, and perhaps-if a man were very, very lucky and hit the jackpot, really made something important of himself-perhaps there might be a fantastic salary of $5,000 a year to support a big house and a Buick with a rumble seat and vacation in Atlantic City.


An open automobile having a single seat in the front for two or three people and a rumble seat or luggage compartment in the back.


The Chinese group on Friday displayed a concept taxi, complete with front rumble seat that folds away to allow back seat passengers to stretch their legs.


更多网络解释与rumble seat相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rumble seat:无篷座位

159. 皮带 strap | 160. 无篷座位 rumble seat | 161. 搭便车者 hitch-hiker

rumble seat:车后座

鸭嘴笔 ruling pen | 车后座 rumble seat | 鼓形滚筒 rumbler

rumble seat:折叠加座

折叠刀/clasp knife | 折叠加座/rumble seat | 折旧费/depreciation funds

rumble seat:折叠座椅

rule-based system 基于规则的系统 | rumble seat 折叠座椅 | run of wind 风程

rear end,rumble seat:屁股

匹兹堡羽绒床/Pittsburgh feathers | 屁股/rear end,rumble seat | 片面的结论/narrow conclusion