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routine table的中文,翻译,解释,例句

routine table

routine table的基本解释

[计] 程序表

更多网络例句与routine table相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The key to understanding this recipe lies in the definitions of the translate and maketrans functions in the string module. translate takes a string and replaces each character in it with the corresponding character in the translation table passed in as the second argument, deleting the characters specified in the third argument. maketrans is a utility routine that helps create the translation tables.

理解这一配方的关键,在于string模块中 translate 和 maketrans 函数的定义。translate接收一个字符串,并根据第二个参数中传入的转换表,将字符串中的每一个字符替换为相对应的字符,同时删除掉第三个参数中指定的字符(译者注:当translate作为字符串对象的方法调用时,转换表为第一个参数,第二个参数中指定要删除的字符)。maketrans 是一个用来帮助创建转换表的例程。

He was never a table-thumping hardliner like his colleague Antonin Scalia, preferring broad compromise if he could get it. The routine 5-4 split in the Rehnquist court bothered him, because he thought it dented the credibility of the law in general.

他从来不像同事Antonin Scalia那样态度强硬,而总是在力所能及的范围内争取妥协。5比4的分裂在Regnquist法院已经让人习以为常,这也使他苦恼不已,因为他觉得这对法律的普遍可信力不是什么好事。

It goes wherever he goes before tipoff. On the padded table in the trainer's room. On the floor for a pregame stretching routine. Perched in front of his locker.


更多网络解释与routine table相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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