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round down的中文,翻译,解释,例句

round down

round down的基本解释


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After Harrison Ford's first performance as a hotel bellhop in the film Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round, the studio vice-president called him in to his office."Sit down kid," the studio head said,"I want to tell you a story. The first time Tony Curtis was ever in a movie he delivered a bag of groceries. We took one look at him and knew he was a movie star."

当Harrison Ford第一次在 Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round出演一名旅店侍者后,工作室的副主席把他叫到了办公室"孩子坐下吧",这位工作室的头说,"我想给你讲一个故事,当Tony Curtis第一次出现在镜头前时,他是在运一包货物,我们看了他一眼就知道这个人将是个电影名星。"

After Harrison Ford's first performance as a hotel bellhop in the film Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round, the studio vice-president called him in to his office."Sit down kid," the studio head said, I want to tell you a story. The first time Tony Curtis was ever in a movie he delivered a bag of groceries.

当Harrison Ford第一次在 Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round出演一名旅店侍者后,工作室的副主席把他叫到了办公室"孩子坐下吧",这位工作室的头说,"我想给你讲一个故事,当Tony Curtis第一次出现在镜头前时,他是在运一包货物,我们看了他一眼就知道这个人将是个电影名星。"

There is also a sole harbinger of radical matters way down the road with the inclusion of a loose-jointed treatment of Ornette Coleman's "Round Trip/Broadway Blues," proving that Song X did not come from totally out of the blue.

这张专辑中也有一首独一无二的作品:经过自由组合的Ornette Coleman的《Round Trip/Broadway Blues》,这预示他将走向激进主义路线,证明《Song X》不是完全来源于蓝调。

更多网络解释与round down相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

round dozen:整打

round down 松开上下滑车 | round dozen 整打 | round file 圆锉

round in:[航海]拉紧索

round down 四舍五入 | round in [航海]拉紧索 | round on sb. 反驳[攻击]某人, 告某人的密

round downpipe:圆水落管

round down-draft kiln ==> 倒焰圆窑 | round downpipe ==> 圆水落管 | round drill rod ==> 圆形钻杆