rice [rais]
- rice的基本解释
米, 稻, 饭
- Most of the Asians live on rice.
- 大多数亚洲人以稻米为主食。
- Rice is an important food crop.
- 稻是重要的粮食作物。
将...压成米粒状, 舂(米)
- 相似词
- Rice
- 与rice相关的情景对话
- 衣食住行 / 烹饪
Do you want to take a cooking class with me?
What kind of cooking class is it?
It’s a Thai cooking class. They teach you how to make curries, rice dishes, and soups.
Do they teach you how to make the curries from scratch?
Of course.
Is it expensive?
Not really. It only costs 15 U.S. Dorla/session, and you get to eat the food afterwards.
不贵,每节课只需 15 美元,然后你可以吃掉食物。
That about the price of a meal. Not bad.
If you take ten lessons, you also get a free recipe book, some Thai spices and a pan.
如果你想上 10 节课,你还会得到一本食谱,一些泰式香料和一个锅。
Sign me up!
Do you like Thai food?
Not really, but I love to cook!
- 相关歌词
- Chicken Soup With Rice
- Delivery Driver
- Steve Young Jerry Rice
- Red Beans & Rice
- Chinese Food
- I Don't Wanna Throw Rice
- 拼写相近单词
- ricardian
- riccocheted
- riccocheting
- riccochets
- ricebird
- riced
- riceland
- ricer
- ricercar
- ricercare
- rice所属的单词分类
Farm / 农场
longhorn · animals · seeds · yak · windmill · wheat · weeds · weeder · water · vegetable
Food & Eating / 食物与饮食
salsa · spork · prime rib · pork chops · mochi · meatloaf · lima beans · hot sauce · dandelion greens · caramel apple
New Year / 新年
yin and yang · twelve o'clock · steamed fish · spring rolls · phases of the moon · noise maker · lion dance · dimsum · Auld Lang Syne · New Year cake
- 更多 网络例句 与rice相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The above facts indicated that silicon accumulation in the rice leaf sheath inside, the leaf surface and the sclerenchymatous cell, played the physical barrier role, delayed the hypha of sheath blight expansion.5、Analysing the physiological and biochemical mechanism of the resistance to rice sheath blight improved by silicon application in several respects.(1) After being inoculated with R.solani, O2 and POD activities disordered, CAT activities obviously declined. O2 producingvelocity in 91SP\'s leaves and leaf sheaths of Si+ rice plants were lower than those of Siriceplants, MDA content in leaves and leaf sheaths of Si+ rice plants were lower thanthose of Si- rice plants significantly in three days after inoculating, SOD、POD、CATactivities in leaf sheaths of Si+ rice plants were higher than those of Si- rice plantssignificantly in one day after inoculating, SOD、POD、CAT activities in leaves ofSi-treatment were higher than those of Si- rice plants significantly in three days afterinoculating. O2 producing velocity and MDA content in Lemont\'s leaves and leafsheaths of Si+ rice plants were lower than those of Si- rice plants significantly afterinoculating, and SOD、POD、CAT activities of Si+ rice plants were higher than those ofSi- rice plants significantly.
说明硅在水稻叶鞘内侧、叶表和厚壁细胞积累,起到了物理屏障的作用,延缓了纹枯病菌的扩展。5、阐明了施硅增强水稻抗纹枯病的生理生化机制(1)接种纹枯病菌后,两个水稻品种91SP和Lemont的叶鞘和叶片超氧阴离子自由基O2性紊乱,CAT活性明显下降;抗病品种91SP叶鞘和叶片施硅处理的O2产生速率小于缺硅处理,叶鞘和叶片MDA含量在接种第3 d后显著低于缺硅处理,叶鞘SOD、POD、CAT活性在接种1 d后一直显著高于缺硅处理,叶片SOD、POD、CAT活性在接种3 d后显著高于缺硅处理;感病品种Lemont叶鞘和叶片施硅处理的O2产生速率、MDA含量始终显著小于缺硅处理,SOD、POD、CAT活性始终显著大于缺硅处理。
Effect of protein and lipid in rice on starch physicochemical characteristics, difference between the region of non-chalkiness and chalkiness of rice, dynamic variation of cell structure and CaM distribution on rice spike were expounded in this study. It was found that protein and lipid in rice had important effect on starch gelatinization, there were distinct differences between the region of non-chalkiness and chalkiness of rice, vascular bundle system in rice spike was changed during grain filling, difference quality of different position of rice spike was more distinct in dense spike rice for more powerful vascular bundle system, the development of rice seeds was corresponded to pericarp development, difference quality of different position of rice spike was also related to transport function of rachilla besides activity of "source", and calmodulin relative activity was closely related to grain filling velocity and enginery properties.
Esp., most of the paddy rice, straw, rice leaves, rice husks, timber components, saw dust, reed and reed basketwork, rope and various plant stems and leaves, fruits etc. were in bright colors; among the paddy rice remains, the embossed veins and palea on the surface of some rice husks were also as clear-cut as original, so it was with a small amount of whole rice that connected the straw and ears of rice; there were some deposits mixed by rice husks, straws and rice leaves etc. crossed in several small layers under Layer 3, some looked like current objects, people would have such illusion that these were just fallen down on earth yesterday upon uncovering and could hardly believe that they were from thousands of years ago.
- 更多网络解释 与rice相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
7 "米饭(RICE)原则"如果不幸得很,诸多准备还是没有防止伤害的发生,已经有人痛苦不堪地躺在地上了,运动伤害"米饭(RICE)原则"别忘记:
这首歌曲由知名新加坡音乐人李迪文作曲,他此前为新加坡国庆日谱写专门歌曲. 谈起自己为期一个月的创作过程,李迪文说,东盟10国的共同点是谱写此曲所要传递的信息. 歌名>(Rise)取自英文"稻米"(rice)的谐音,也寓意东盟力图发展.
比如美国总统布什,按照意译是"灌木"(Bush)的意思. 而国务卿赖斯则变成"大米"(Rice). 盖茨的名字如果按照意译,应该是"大门"(Gates). 盖茨的走马上任将会为中美关系打开一扇怎样的大门?
rice:abbr. real-time intelligent cooperation engine; 实时智能协作引擎
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