英语人>词典>英汉 : retinae的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

retinae ['retini:; -nai]


视网膜, retina的复数形

更多网络例句与retinae相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The microorganism of macula retinae on s kin lesion in 26 male patients and the serum follicular-stimulating hormone,lateinizing hormone,progestrong and estriol prolactin in 25 men were st udied with quantitive, positioning, qualitative and radio-immunitive methods, a nd then compared the results with those of the healthy men.


Objective To research on the possible mechanism of male macula retinae.

摘 要:目的探讨男性黄褐斑发病的可能机理。

In addition, an oval protuberance in pars caeca retinae near pars optica retinae forms continuous lap, and hemal sinus and abundant erythrocytes exist in the protuberance. The homologous relationship may exist between the protuberance and conus papillaris and/or pectin.


By microscope we observed the thickness of retinae,counted the numbers of ganglion cells a...


Objective:To observe the effect of βestradiol on gluta mate concentration in rabbits′ retinae injured by ischemic reperfusion.


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torpor retinae:视网膜感觉迟钝

torpor 迟钝 | torpor retinae 视网膜感觉迟钝 | Torrance Test of Creative Thinking 托兰斯创造思惟测验

amotio retinae:视网膜脱落

amort 意气消沉的 | amotio retinae 视网膜脱落 | amotio 脱落

commotio retinae:视网膜震荡

引起眼内多种结构的病变,如房角后退、前房或玻璃体积血、晶状体脱位、脉络膜破裂、黄斑裂孔以及巩膜破裂等. 有少数有严重眼后段损伤,可无或仅有轻微的眼前段损伤. 因此,应作全面眼科检查. 六、视网膜震荡(commotio retinae)与挫伤(contusion)

commotio retinae:虹膜根部离断

commotio retinae 视网膜震荡 | commotio retinae 虹膜根部离断 | infantile glaucoma 婴幼儿性青光眼

macula retinae:视网膜黄斑

macula lutea 视网膜黄斑 | macula retinae 视网膜黄斑 | mad cow disease 狂牛病

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