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quadratic mapping的中文,翻译,解释,例句

quadratic mapping

quadratic mapping的基本解释


更多网络例句与quadratic mapping相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At first, the principle of algebraic quadratic congruence mapping is analysed, and then limitation of odd-even protection and shift computation are added to the mapping of interleaver.


Mostly default. I experimented with Reinhard for the color mapping, quadratic as AA and 1,6 for the DMC settings. The rest are as illustrated below.

大部分都是默认的设置,我调整了color mapping,采样,抗锯齿,蒙特卡洛等等玩意儿,最后的结果如图。

Render settings 渲染设置 Mostly default. I experimented with Reinhard for the color mapping, quadratic as AA and 1,6 for the DMC settings. The rest are as illustrated below.

大部分都是默认的设置,我调整了color mapping,采样,抗锯齿,蒙特卡洛等等玩意儿,最后的结果如图。

Quadratic mapping.


Keywords Differential coefficient of fractal dimension,fuzzy identify,,,,,reasoning frame,attribute clustering,VC theory,SVM leaming,neurai network,,,,,three layered ANN caPacity,quadratic mapping.

Article From 中国科学院软件研究所;计算机软件与理论博士论文 2001年度分维微分;模糊判别;推理框架;属性聚类; VC理论; SVM学;习;神经网络;三层ANN容量;二次型映射。

更多网络解释与quadratic mapping相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

quadratic mapping:二次映射

quadratic interpolation 二次插值法 | quadratic mapping 二次映射 | quadratic mean 二次平均

quadratic mapping:二次型映射

二次规划:Quadratic Programming | 二次型映射. :quadratic mapping. | 二次收敛性:quadratic convergence

Quadratic Texture Mapping:正交纹理映像

平方和 quadratic sum | 二次曲面 quadratic surface | 正交纹理映像 Quadratic Texture Mapping