英语人>词典>英汉 : putrefying的中文,翻译,解释,例句



(使)腐烂, (使)腐败( putrefy的现在分词 ), (使)化脓, 腐化, 堕落

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Since OPP and its sodium salt are nontoxic, odorless, of high phytocidal activity, good disinfecting and mould-inhibiting properties, they can be used as antiseptic, used for fruits and vegetables especially mandarins to inhibit mould, and used to treat lemons, pineapples, melons, apples, pears, peaches, tomatoes, etc, to protect them from putrefying to the greatest extent.


In this course, human had to keep to two restrictive law of nature: 1,Putrefying law of nature


Also he maketh men to die in Three Days by Putrefying Wounds or Sores, and causing Worms to breed in them.


The result is a toxic, putrefying surplus of sludge in our intestinal walls – one that builds, and breeds disease.


Siggard shook his head, trying to ignore the stench of putrefying flesh.

Siggard 摇了摇头,尽力不去理会尸体腐烂时发出的恶臭。

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putrefactive bacterium 腐败细菌 | putrefying 腐败的 | putrescence 腐败

Putrefying bacteria:腐败细菌

Putrefaction 腐败作用 | Putrefying bacteria 腐败细菌 | Pyloric sphincter 幽门括约肌

Putrefying bacteria:腐败菌

putrefactive phenomenon 腐烂现象 | putrefying bacteria 腐败菌 | pycnidium 分生孢子器

venous network on putrefying cadaver:腐败静脉网

venous insufficiency ==> 静脉功能不全,静脉功能不全 | venous network on putrefying cadaver ==> 腐败静脉网 | venous occlusion plethysmograph ==> 静脉闭塞体积描记器