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prickly pear的中文,翻译,解释,例句

prickly pear

prickly pear的基本解释

[医] 仙人掌

更多网络例句与prickly pear相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It turns out that an extract from the prickly pear cactus is effective at removing sediment and bacteria from dirty water.


The common one you saw in the park is called prickly pear cactus. Pretty thorny.


Sharp spines erupt from the skin of a prickly pear cactus in the Galápagos Islands.


Any of various cacti of the genus Opuntia, especially the prickly pear.


Would have led to Eastern Australia being overrun with forests of Prickly Pear ?


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更多网络解释与prickly pear相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

prickly pear:仙人掌果

Mogollon 酿造及亚利桑那高度酒公司制造的一种加味伏特加. 据信是世界上唯一一种仙人掌果 (prickly pear)口味的伏特加(#是不是想冒充龙舌兰?- -). 这中口味略甜的淡粉色伏特加售价为 30 美元.

prickly pear:仙人果

美国曼陀罗花(Sacred Datura)、火焰草(Indian Paintbrush)、银鲛(Rabbitbrush)、仙人果(Prickly pear)等都是此地常见的植物. 难得一见的吊钟柳属(Utah Penstemon)与金色紫花(Golden Aster)也可以在谷底找到. 鹿、石松鼠及蜥蜴等也都是园中最常见的动物.

prickly pear:刺儿头:好挑剔的人

C 扯子:言行超过正常规范的年轻女子. Wanton | 刺儿头:好挑剔的人. Prickly pear | 吃挂落(lao)儿:受连累,受牵连. Being involved

prickly pear:灌木 多刺仙人掌

根 * 柔光花 lambent flower | 灌木 多刺仙人掌 prickly pear | 灌木 大吉嶺茶葉 darjeering tea leaf

cactus, "prickly pear:仙人掌

釘馬掌 put on horse-shoe. | (4) Paw-like object: 仙人掌 cactus, "prickly pear." | 掌嘴 slap across the mouth.

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