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prickle cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

prickle cell

prickle cell的基本解释


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The results showed that Leymus chinensis from different region adapted to the different characteristics in the drought.That main displayed the number and length of the prickle hairs.Bulliform cell reduced with the extent of drought.


Results The expressions of IGF IR protein and mRNA were located on the basal cell layers and prickle cell layers.


In head and neck cancer positive cells that were general 3~5 layers looked like a band in the basilar part and prickle cell layer.


However, the positively stained area extended to prickle cell layer in defected skin of lichen planus and the staining intensity was markedly stronger than that in normal skin.


HPV was also detected in the granular ladyer and whole prickle cell layer of 11 cases of CA with no typical koilocytes.

鼵A中,10例具典型组织学特征的CA均有HPV分布,主要位于表皮浅层,另 11例缺乏典型空泡细胞的 CA在颗粒层或棘细胞全层测得 HPV。

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prickle cell:棘细胞

有棘细胞(Prickle cell)具备所有的生命功能,并且积极参与角蛋白的制造. 再此阶段,细胞质内可以看到由角蛋白纤维素所形成的张力丝(TONOFIBRILS) 的存在. 有棘层是由数层不规则的细胞层所构成. 愈往外层移动,细胞愈呈扁平状.

prickle cell:剌细胞

pricking 剌 | prickle cell 剌细胞 | primary 最初的

Prickle cell layer:棘层

2)有棘层(prickle cell layer)位于基底层上方,一般由4~~10层多角形细胞组成. 核大呈圆形,细胞间有许多短小的胞质突起如棘状,故称棘细胞. 越向外细胞分化越好,趋向扁平. 相邻棘细胞的突起以桥粒相连,胞质内有较多张力丝,常成束分布并附着于桥粒上.

Prickle cell layer:棘细胞层

pricking-up coat ==> 板条抹灰打底层 | prickle-cell layer ==> 棘细胞层 | prickling-like pain ==> 针刺样痛

prickle cell carcinoma:棘细胞癌

棘层增厚 acanthosis | 棘细胞癌 prickle cell carcinoma | 继发损害 secondary lesion

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