英语人>词典>英汉 : parking orbit的中文,翻译,解释,例句
parking orbit的中文,翻译,解释,例句

parking orbit

parking orbit的基本解释


更多网络例句与parking orbit相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In deep-space exploration, the probe starts from the parking orbit near earth and flights toward the target object.


The motion of deep space probe is usually divided into three stages: parking orbit near Earth, transfer orbit toward the target body and the orbit around the target The Parking orbit, which is a kind of orbit of earth satellites, is not discussed in this thesis.


The motion of deep space probe is usually divided into three stages: parking orbit near Earth, transfer orbit toward the targe...


Orbit train detection, train orbit before the signal, information processing system will be collected signal processing, the corresponding train sentence parking orbit.


In this dissertation, the design and optimization of lunar probe orbit has been studied by using the theory and method of spacecraft orbital dynamics, aiming at to launch polar moon satellite from the earth parking orbit, and considering synthetically the problems about the launcher energy, flying time, launch window and orbit navigation. The flying conditions, program and orbit of the lunar probe are given.


更多网络解释与parking orbit相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

parking orbit:暂泊轨道

如果你处于环绕地球的宇宙飞船暂泊轨道(parking orbit)上,它们中的某一条会和你的路径交叉,在交叉点上你只需用一点燃料改变速度,就可以进入一条完全不用耗费燃料的新路径.

parking orbit:暂驻轨道

及卫星在太阳光过度充电后造成电池电压过高、全球定位系统(GPS)资料互相影响等困难与挑战后,发射后75天,终於在7月19日成功将其中1枚FM5微卫星升高到800km任务轨道,其余FM1在520km、FM2在535km、FM3与FM4同在515km、FM6在514km的暂驻轨道(Parking Orbit)等待提升.

parking orbit:驻 轨道

发射升空27分钟后,火箭施放了重57000kg的墨西哥SATMEX-6卫星至暂驻轨道(Parking Orbit)上. 亚利安太空公司表示,SATMEX-6卫星系为增进美国、墨西哥、加勒比海及南美洲的通讯及网际网路(互联网)的涵盖范围.

parking orbit:驻留轨道

parent nuclide 母核素 | parking orbit 驻留轨道 | partial polarization 部分偏振

the parking orbit:驻留轨道,会合轨道

Thallium scintigraphy 鉈闪烁检查,核子医学检查 | the parking orbit 驻留轨道,会合轨道 | theodolite 经纬仪

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