英语人>词典>英汉 : papular的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

papular ['pæpjulə(r)]


(多)丘疹的, (多)乳突的

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Results The sympotoms of twinge , titillation , red halo ,urticaria and papular eruption were manifested on the local skin of upper limbs of volunteers after being touched by toxigenic spine of Eucleid Caterpillar . The dermatitis symptom on the skin of upper limbs of volunteers after being vaccinated directly by the abstergent liquid of toxigenic spine was similar to that of volunteers after being touched directly by toxigenic spine .


And papular urticaria-like impetigo can lead to this situation.


Role and purposes: for the treatment of women, androgen-dependent diseases, such as acne, in particular, the type is obvious, and accompanied by seborrhea or inflammation or the formation of nodules (papular pus bubbles acne, nodular cystic acne) and acne, women's androgenetic alopecia, lighter hirsutism, and polycystic ovary syndrome in patients with signs of hyperandrogenism.


Although atypical lymphocytes are often present in cases of either CMV or EBV infection, the appearance of atypical lymphocytes in CMV infection may be delayed for several weeks, as appeared to happen in this case, and may persist for months.2 During the course of CMV infection in many patients, a rash develops that has been described variably as macular, papular, morbilliform, and scarlatiniform.

虽然非典型淋巴细胞的出现在两种疾病中都常见,但是在CMV 感染中可能会延迟几周出现,就如本例患者,而且可能持续数月[2]。很多病人在CMV感染病程中,皮疹形态各异,如有斑点样、丘疹样、麻疹样和猩红热样。

He is not papular between his follows .


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更多网络解释与papular相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

papular urticaria:丘疹性荨麻疹

丘疹性荨麻疹(papular urticaria)又称荨麻疹性苔藓、婴儿苔藓或小儿荨麻疹性苔藓、急性单纯性痒疹,是婴幼儿常见的过敏性皮肤病. 临床特点为散在性、性质稍坚硬、顶端有小疱的丘疹. 周缘有纺锤形红晕,自觉瘙痒.

papular urticaria:丘疹性荨皮疹

丘疹性荨皮疹(papular urticaria)是一种儿童及青少年常见的风团样丘疹性肉皮儿玻可能为某些虫豸如臭虫、虼蚤、蚊子、螨等叮咬具备过敏性本质的人而病发,也可能与肠道寄生虫、食用某些食品有关多见于年龄季候,常分成批出售生于腰违、腹、臀、小腿等部,

papular urticaria:丘疹*荨麻疹

panniculitis 脂膜炎 | papular urticaria 丘疹*荨麻疹 | papule 丘疹


papulapapule 长疮 | papular 丘疹的 | papulation 丘疹形成


辣椒 paprika | 丘疹状 papular | 丘疹 papule

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