opening hours ['əupniŋ auəz]
- opening hours的基本解释
pl.营业时间, 开放时间
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Opening and closing of a major series of products: KB in the series of fire shutter doors opening and closing machine (KB25-75, KB110-220), KBQ series of light fire shutter doors opening and closing machine (KBQ small 18-25, BKQ large 37-75), FKB Series Ex shutter doors opening and closing machine (FKB55), KBZ series of heavy fire shutter doors opening and closing machine (KB450), BODA Automatic on the block Tocumen opening and closing machine.
As showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test forAs showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test for500 hours at 565℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering the℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering thedispersity of±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The result±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The resultof short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565of short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565℃on T91-X20CrMoV121℃on T91-X20CrMoV121welded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timewelded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timeendurance stress of weldedendurance stress of welded-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hours-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hoursboth above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.both above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.
依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符合要求。
Blood samples were drawn at 30 minutes before and 0 minute, 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours and 48 hours after the race from 14 subjects' forearm veins. PHA and LPS were used for assessing lymphocyte proliferation; lyses of 51Cr labeled K562 target cells were used for assessing natural cytotoxicity. Results showed that the lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by PHA and LPS was decreased at least for 24 hours; the natural killer cytotoxicity is increased at 0 minute and decreased at least 48 hours after the race.
- 更多网络解释 与opening hours相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
opening hours:开放时间
(2005年第63号法律公告)"指定烧烤地点"(designated barbecue site) 及"指定露营地点"(designated camping site) 指总监根据第14条指定的烧烤地点或露营地点;"植物"(plant) 包括─"开放时间"(opening hours) 就指明区域而言,指根据第13A(1)(b)条展示的告示所显示的该区域开放予公众
opening hours:营业时间
从十九世纪中期开始,英国对持有执照的场所(licensed premises)的营业时间(opening hours)等进行了限制. 同时,很多酒吧的详细记录可以追溯上百年,特别是不良记录(misdemeanours). 从2007年开始,
opening hours:开放/开门/营业时间
Open to the public on selected days only 仅限规定的日期,对公众开放. | Opening hours 开放/开门/营业时间 | Particulars of membership 会员优先
opening hours:开始时间
Only granted to specific operation 只对专业人士 | Opening hours 开始时间 | Organizer 主办机构
System opening hours:系统开放时段
System 系统 | System opening hours 系统开放时段 | System software 系统软件
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