英语人>词典>英汉 : on the button的中文,翻译,解释,例句
on the button的中文,翻译,解释,例句

on the button

on the button的基本解释

准时地, 准确地

更多网络例句与on the button相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As you can also see, there is a Button control on the form.


He said he would go to the station to meet you on the button.


Click on the button below and then type in your first name...


If you want to turn on the TV, press the button.


If you want to diagnose your computer, click on the diagnose system button.


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更多网络解释与on the button相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

on the button:百发百中,切中要害

95. button your lip 闭口不谈 | 96. on the button 百发百中,切中要害 | 97. buttonhole 拉住人不放,并且没完没了的长谈

on the button:准确地,准时地

Can't but do sth.=can't help doing sth.不得不 | 93. On the button准确地,准时地 | 94. Buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth.给某人买某物

on the button:正好

26.Now, you're talking. 這才像話. | 1.on the button :正好------------------------------------------ H 7 | 2.on the heels :緊追------------------------------------------- H 10

on the button:击中下颌 确切; 抓着要点, 能说明问题; 准时

not worth a button 一钱不值 | on the button 击中下颌确切 抓着要点, 能说明问题 准时 | press the button 按钮拍快照开始采取有效行动

right on the button:准确无误,中肯

on the cuff 赊帐,分期付款 | right on the button 准确无误,中肯 | cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量入为出

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