英语人>词典>英汉 : net amount的中文,翻译,解释,例句
net amount的中文,翻译,解释,例句

net amount

net amount的基本解释

净总值, 净数, 净额

更多网络例句与net amount相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Net with the donated amount, your name for internal record and a publishable name for acknowledgement.

net 写下姓名、在鸣谢名单上可刊登的名字及捐款数目,以作纪录。

NET 2.0 reduces the amount of code you have to write by about 75%.

NET 2.0把你所需写的编码量减少了75%。

Service: service hours 8 am - 10 pm, every year / month the amount of the total cost of drinking water 5% of the gifts gift drinks dispenser: corporate users for free gifts With the fountain, life-long free bag repair, cleaning, disinfecting drinking fountains line bottled water (Guangdong, the first A-water) Recommendation: Regular replacement of bottled water may be more wholesome ex-factory sales of Angel brand water dispenser ( package repair two years, including all parts) to provide water, telephone: 0755-82298935 82,282,747 SMS provides water: 13714594399 QQ provides water: 280,141,771 uniform inquiries and complaints Telephone: 13,714,594,399 Huang http://ww w.zhenbutong.sm160.net songshui.100ye.com water to the city's professional chains leave benefits up minute penalty sent a note: a half-hour sent to the service, limited to the areas where the above!

服务:服务时间早8点--晚10点,每年/月饮水总费用金额的5%礼品饮料赠送饮水机:公司用户免费赠用饮水机,终身免费包修、清洗、消毒饮水机一线桶装水建议:经常更换桶装水可能更有益健康出厂价销售安吉尔品牌饮水机(包修二年、含所有零配件)订水电话: 0755-82298935 82282747 短信订水:13714594399 QQ订水:280141771 统一咨询及投诉电话:13714594399黄平 http://www.zhenbutong.sm160.net songshui.100ye.com 专业送水全市连锁假一罚百三十分钟送到注:半小时送到服务,只限以上所在区域!

更多网络解释与net amount相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

discounted net price:已折扣的净价

discounted amount 已折扣的金额 | discounted net price 已折扣的净价 | discounted regular line amount 已折扣的常规行金额

net revalued amount:重估价净值

Net requirements;所需经费净额;; | net revalued amount;重估价净值;; | net salary;薪金净额;NS;

net float:净浮额

Net Amount 净值 | Net Float 净浮额 | Net Position 未平仓部位