英语人>词典>英汉 : lie ahead的中文,翻译,解释,例句
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America's best days lie ahead.


I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service.


We're up for the challenges that lie ahead.


We've met challenges and faced dangers, and we know that more lie ahead.


You've learned a lot and far better days lie ahead!


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lie ahead:将要发生

lie about 1.凌乱地摆放 2.无所事事地混日子 | lie ahead 将要发生 | lie at the heart of 处在...的核心部分

lie ahead:即将发生

lie back 仰靠 | lie ahead 即将发生 | lie by 在. . . 旁边,在手边,搁置不用

Dark and difficult times lie ahead:黑暗艰难的日子在等着我们

No spell can reawaken the dead, Harry. I trust you know that.|... | Dark and difficult times lie ahead.|黑暗艰难的日子在等着我们 | Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is eas...

looking for the chance that something good might lie ahead:寻找着机会 也许有好东西正等待在前方

*I'm setting myself up for the future*|*我在... | *looking for the chance that something good might lie ahead*|*寻找着机会 也许有好东西正等待在前方* | *I guess I'm looking for the possibilities*|*我想我...

We must stay alert to the challenges that lie ahead:我们要居安思危

我们必须听取各界人士意见 we must consider views from all se... | 我们要居安思危. We must stay alert to the challenges that lie ahead. | 我们要透过这些渠道听取民意. We need to listen to people's views...

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