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更多网络例句与lex.相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm in a cage, Lex. I'm not dead.


Lionel: I'm in a cage, Lex. I'm not dead.


You've done well, Lex Luthor.- I thought so.


I got it from you, Lex.


If you like this, you'll love the one being held hostage on 74th and Lex.


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更多网络解释与lex.相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

North, north! - Yes, Lex. North:往北,往北! -是的,雷克斯,往北

North, Miss Teschmacher.|往北!黛丝犸克... | - North, north! - Yes, Lex. North.|-往北,往北! -是的,雷克斯,往北 | Oh, you must be wrong, Lex. This couldn't be his home way up here.|你一定弄错了,雷克斯 这种...

All right, come on, Lex. Come on:好了,过来,雷克斯,过来

Right.|是的 | All right, come on, Lex. Come on.|好了,过来,雷克斯,过来 | Move out of the way.|让开

Lex. - I'll be all right:雷克斯 -我没事的

- It's beautiful. - It's beautiful.|-真的是很美 -很美 | - Lex. - I'll be all right.|-雷克斯 -我没事的 | No, me.|不,是我

You are sick, Lex. You are really sick:你很病态,雷克斯,你真的病了

You thought about me in a parka?|我穿毛皮外套? | You are sick, Lex. You are really sick.|你很病态,雷克斯,你真的病了 | That's possible.|有可能

Looks like you won, Lex. You finally won:看起来你赢了,雷克斯 你最终还是赢了

There's breaking news.|有大新闻 | Looks like you won, Lex. You finally won.|看起来你赢了,雷克斯 你最终还是赢了 | I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.|我不太肯定我明白你在说什么

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