英语人>词典>英汉 : lex loci的中文,翻译,解释,例句
lex loci的中文,翻译,解释,例句

lex loci

lex loci的基本解释

[法] 地方法律

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As we know,the features of Internet such as virtual and no territorially have brought impact on the civil cases of Internet—related,traditional methods to determine jurisdiction which take the district as conjunctive factor have encountered difficulty in the Internet—related cases.The factors to determine the jurisdiction such as forum rei,lex loci contracts,lex loci delicti become indefinite in the Internet surrounding.


Lex loci actus andthe law protecting benefits of the third party are only applicable to special issues.


The Regulation adopts a general rule combining the criteria such as lex loci, autonomy of will, common personal law and exception clause, with specific rules for particular relations and other regimes in their application attached.


The rules of private international law to the law application will be as follows: lex loci delictus, lex fori and lex loci delictus,lex habitual residence,the law of most beneficial to consumer.


Jacksonas an example,the article discusses the basic reasons and legal spirits behind the change from the principle of lex loci delicti to the principle of the closet connection.


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更多网络解释与lex loci相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lex loci:当地法

lex loci rei sitae;物在地法;; | lex loci;当地法;; | lex mercatoria;商法;;

Lex loci contractus:合同缔结地法

由于法律行为的多样性,行为地法又派生出下列一些系属公式:(1)合同缔结地法(lex loci contractus),一般用来解决合同的成立、合同内容的合法性、合同的方式等方面的法律冲突问题;(2)合同履行地法(lex loci solutionis),一般用来解决合同内容,

Lex loci contractus:合同履行地法

合同副本 copies of the contract | 合同履行地法 lex loci contractus | 合同有效期contract life

Lex loci contractus:契约地法

lex loci actus;行为地法;; | lex loci contractus;契约地法;; | lex loci delicti commissi;侵权行为地法;;

Lex loci contractus:合同订立地

legal representative法定代表 | lex loci contractus合同订立地 | lex loci solutionis合同履行地

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