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You'll also get a leather jacket, a witcher's steel sword, a witcher's medallion, some Celandine, and a scroll on frighteners.


Only two children had seen the robbery take place, and the criminals had put the frighteners on them all.


In 1995, Jackson was finishing The Frighteners and considered The Lord of the Rings as a new project, wondering "why nobody else seemed to be doing anything about it".


One of the main reasons Sean Astin took the part of Sam was the advice of his father John Astin, who had previously worked with Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh on The Frighteners (1996) and had been enthused with their rapport, understanding of film and appreciation of their crew.


New Maplin UK champ Ronnie O'Sullivan has put the frighteners on his snooker rivals by comparing himself to Mike Tyson.


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The Frighteners:恐怖幽灵

Zemeckis, Robert罗伯特泽米基斯:他曾为彼得杰克逊1996年的喜剧片<<恐怖幽灵>>(The Frighteners)做过制片人,这部失败的作品差一点毁了杰克逊刚刚成立的维塔工作室,在工作室已经没有任何经费运转的时候,

The Frighteners:神通鬼大

1997年,彼得.杰克逊为好莱坞拍摄了<<神通鬼大>>(The Frighteners). 在这部影片中,彼得一边拿着美国人的三千万美金,一边对美国人讽刺挖苦:片中的杀人狂之所以在死后还要化为厉鬼继续杀人,是因为想打破被俄国人保持的杀人纪录. 三部曲拍完,

The Frighteners:恐怖幽灵导演剪辑版

134 Vertical.Limit 垂直极限 | 135 The.Frighteners 恐怖幽灵导演剪辑版 | 136 Arizona.Dream 亚历桑那梦游

The Frighteners:可骇鬼魂

0473.巴拿马成衣 The Tailor of Panama | 0472.可骇鬼魂 The Frighteners | 0471.的士速逮4 Taxi 4

Frighteners, The:不可思议的勾魂事件(神通鬼大)

Fright Night 天师斗僵尸 1985 | Frighteners, The 不可思议的勾魂事件(神通鬼大) 1996 | From Beyond 活魔人 1987

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