英语人>词典>英汉 : debug statement的中文,翻译,解释,例句
debug statement的中文,翻译,解释,例句

debug statement

debug statement的基本解释

[计] 调试语句

更多网络例句与debug statement相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hr. _HR macro may be used at any expression or statement wherever nice debug diagnostics is appropriate.

。 _HR宏可用于在任何表达式或语句调试好的情况下诊断是适当的。

Sometimes, the cost of logging can be expensive, particularly when performance of your application is paramount (imagine logging every DEBUG statement to a database).


This is our Computer Organization class is located, the subject is the completion of the test computer with a shift operator experiments, which have a class-based content, the mission statement, and debug the results.


Through design, develop and debug a DO-WHILE cycle statement syntax and semantic analysis procedures, deepen the syntax and semantic analysis of the understanding of the principles and procedures to achieve lexical analysis of the sequence of lexical word inspection and analysis.


更多网络解释与debug statement相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

debug statement:除錯敘述

除错例程 debug routine | 除错叙述 debug statement | 除错支援 debug support

debug statement:调试语句

766debitn. 借方,借; v. 记入借方; [计算机] 借方 | 768debug statement调试语句 | 769debugger调试器,调试程序

debug support system statement format:除錯支援系統敘述格式

除錯支援系統作業環境 debug support system operation environment | 除錯支援系統敘述格式 debug support system statement format | 除錯支援系統動詞 debug support system verb

debug support system statement format:除错支持系统叙述格式

除错支持系统作业环境 debug support system operation environment | 除错支持系统叙述格式 debug support system statement format | 除错支持系统动词 debug support system verb