英语人>词典>英汉 : counter with a question的中文,翻译,解释,例句
counter with a question的中文,翻译,解释,例句

counter with a question

counter with a question的基本解释

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In fact most Apriori which has gained association Rules suppose whither time or place is effective for ever, but this can"t solve some impersonal problem in morden life, iradionary association Rules in a general way can answer some question for example, there are 90 percent people buy sugar of who buy creamery ,but they can"t answer such question for example the people who buy creamery, but they cant answer such question for example the people who buy creamery of counter one today but there are 90 percent will buy sugar of counter two, moreover, such problem sometimes is the person of decision-making concerned thing because many things have relation with the factor of time and space, so it need consider the factor of time and space in date.


This regarding many Export enterprises, is a secondary with the test which dies, will join the WTO organization along with China, the US brandishes the counter-dumping big stick more and more frequently to China, the hinterland provinces will bump into the similar question from now on.


The author believed that the profession association should in deal with in counter-dumping to take on the heavy responsibility, the solution present counter-dumping does not answer a charge or does not answer a charge the strength question.
