英语人>词典>英汉 : compression member的中文,翻译,解释,例句
compression member的中文,翻译,解释,例句

compression member

compression member的基本解释

[机] 抗压构件

更多网络例句与compression member相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The procedure is based on the concept that the critical load of a frame without sidesway is the same as the smallest value among these critical loads of the compression members of the frame with partially restrained ends, and the critical load of every compression member may be determined by the method of successive approximation.


D1.1 of the AISI Specification limits the maximum longitudinal spacing of connections to ... where smax = maximum permissible longitudinal spacing of connectors L= unbraced length of compression member rI = radius of gyration of I-section about the axis perpendicular to the direction in which buckling would occur for the given conditions of end support and intermediate bracing rcy = radius of gyration of one C-section about its centroidal axis parallel to the web.....

因此,AISI规范第D1.1节限定连接的最大纵向间隙为:,式中 smax =连接体允许的最大纵向间隙 L=抗压构件的自由长度 rI =工字钢对垂直于给定端承和中间肋条件下可能产生纵向弯曲方向的轴的回转半径 rcy =一段U型钢对其平行于筋的质心轴的回转半径。。。。。。。

It is mainly used in the strengthening of reinforced concrete flexural members and compression member with large eccentricity.


The sleeved column that is new-fashioned member bearing axial compression is composed of inner core and sleeve with gap between them.


X bracing is usually fastened at the intersection of the members to reduce thelength of the compression member.


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更多网络解释与compression member相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

compression member:受压构件

compression load 压缩负载 | compression member 受压构件 | compression pressure 压缩压力

compression member:压缩构件

compression joint 承压缝 | compression member 压缩构件 | compression refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机

compression member:抗压构件

1024 压缩点火引擎 compression ignition engine | 1027 抗压构件 compression member | 1028 压缩压力 compression pressure

compression member:压杆,受压杆件,受压构件

compression manometer ==> 压缩式压力计 | compression member ==> 压杆,受压杆件,受压构件 | compression mold ==> 压铸模

of compression member:数

influence coefficient for load-bearing capacity 受压构件承载能力影响系 | of compression member 数(46) | influence coefficient for spacial action 空间性能影响系数(46)

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