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collected works的中文,翻译,解释,例句

collected works

collected works的基本解释

文集, 文选, 集子, 全集

更多网络例句与collected works相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China has compiled and published hundreds of Tibetology monographs, including A Comprehensive History of Tibet, A Historically Produced Unity, Historical Documents of Tubo Kept in Dunhuang, and Artistic Exchanges between Tibetans and Han Chinese in the Yuan Dynasty; edited and published over 400 Chinese-language collections of historical documents on Tibet, such as Old and New Tang Books - Historical Materials in Tibetan, The Ming-dynasty Records - Historical Materials in Tibetan, and The Qing-dynasty Records - Historical Materials in Tibetan, more than 70 collections of ancient Tibetan documents, including The Collected Works of Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen and The Collected Works of Tonpa Sherab, as well as more than 24,000 papers on Tibetology published in various newspapers and magazines.


This paper, grounded on the related literature theories, sets as its goal to explore the characteristics and styles of the feminine poetry in the 1990s on the whole. At the same time, it also analyzes the individual poetesses and their poetic works over a span of time. Based on "the Collected Works of China"s Feminine Poetry" published in 1997 yet not confined to this book only, In the meanwhile, three perspectives will be taken into consideration, namely,"feminism","language" and "popular culture.


1" Is in the "Collected Works of Marx and Engels," the first edition of the twenty-third volume of the Chinese based on the "Complete Works of Marx and Engels, 1991 edition of historical research to re-editing the second part of the Di Shijuan.


更多网络解释与collected works相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

collected works:文集

精通逻辑的读者可以将这本书看做>(Collected Works)的补充. 目前已出版的三卷包含哥德尔发表的所有作品的全文(包括所有德文原文和英文译文)以及以前没有出版的文章和演讲. 在补充的介绍性注释中有对各条目的内容、意义和影响的深入评论,

collected works:著作集

现行荣格著作集(Collected Works)中,明确与炼丹术主题相关的著作有第十二卷>,第十三卷>及第十四卷>(Mysticium coniunctionis),后期著作中,亦多有与炼丹术相关者.荣格三本论炼丹术的书长篇巨秩,

collected works:文集, 文选

collected trot | 慢快步 | collected works | 文集, 文选 | collected | 收集成的, 冷静的, 镇定的