英语人>词典>汉英 : 文选 的英文翻译,例句
文选 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
analects  ·  anthology  ·  collectanea  ·  reader  ·  analecta  ·  anthologies

collected works · selected works · literary selections
更多网络例句与文选相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He sent me this anthology as birthday present.


It is an anthology of his essays and book reviews spanning the past quarter-century.


I'm interested in a flip phone with a color screen and English menu capabilities.


I made the book crinkle and black with a mess.


The boy was asked to declaim a selection.


If I like the tie, I cave in and take it to the dry cleaner.


The dissertation is an overall study about Lishan"s Annotation from literary angle by analysing concrete matters. The modern linguistics theory is used in the course of researching. The study method is that synchronic analysis and diachronic study are combined. It"s expected that the thesis would make a contribution to the study of Lishan"s egegesis ,or even that of Tang dynasty"s exegetics.


Development continues in searching, interfaces, and lectionary/church year support.


The resilience detailed list valuation is the contractor establishes based on the contract award person according to the unification project, the unification measurement rule and the Measuring unit the project resilience detailed list which in kind provides according to the prescribed form, the union project are practical, the market is practical and the enterprise reality, considered fully after each kind of risk, proposes including the cost, the profit and the tax money comprehensive unit price, from this forms the project price.

工程量清单计价是承包人依据发包人按统一项目设置,统一计量规则和计量单位按规定格式提供的项目实物工程量清单,结合工程实际、市场实际和企业实际,充分考虑各种风险后,提出的包括成本、利润和税金在内的综合单价,由此形成工程价格。本文选自《改革与开放》 2009年第7期,您可以通过多种购买方式获得本刊的内容为帐户充值,可以更方便的在龙源期刊网购买文章

In the Palatine Anthology itself, indeed, there are a few instances[9] where this very thing is done.

在巴纳丁文选本身,事实上,有几个例子[ 9 ]在这个事情是这样做。

更多网络解释与文选相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


analectic 文选的 | analects 文选 | analeptic 令强壮的


ana 语录,丛谈,名言集,回忆录 | analects 论集,文选 | ancient books 古籍

Analects:文选, 论集

analectic | 文选的, 论集的 | analects | 文选, 论集 | analepsia | 回苏, 苏醒, 兴奋



anthology:文集, 文选

complete works 全集 | anthology 文集, 文选 | scientific literature 科学文献


collectable 可收集的 | collectanea 文选 | collected edition 全集

collectanea:文选, 选集

collectable | 可收集的, 可代收的 | collectanea | 文选, 选集 | collected amount | 征税额, 瞩款额

collected works:文集, 文选

collected trot | 慢快步 | collected works | 文集, 文选 | collected | 收集成的, 冷静的, 镇定的

analecta:文选, 论集

analcite | 方沸石(一种存在于火成岩中的白色或浅色晶状沸石) | analecta | 文选, 论集 | analectic | 文选的, 论集的


analecta 文选 | analectic 文选的 | analects 文选