英语人>词典>英汉 : cisterna chyli的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cisterna chyli的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cisterna chyli

cisterna chyli的基本解释

[解剖]乳糜池, [医]乳糜池:胸导管在其腰区起源处的膨大部分

更多网络例句与cisterna chyli相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lymphatic vessels in the lower lumbar region are distal to the cisterna chyli; therefore, the leaked fluid looks rather clear, unlike typical chyle fluid.


Note, however, that it is difficult to identify the lymphatic vessels, especially below the cisterna chyli at the time of surgery.


Traumatic or surgical injuries to this system can cause leakage of lymph and result in the formation of a lymphocele, which is defined as an accumulation of lymph surrounded by pseudomembranes (layers of tissue with a reaction of the surrounding tissue).10 Lymph drainage above the cisterna chyli is rich in chylomicrons and has a creamy white appearance because of the contribution of the gastrointestinal lymphatics.14 Below the cisterna chyli, however, lymph is serous in nature and has a clear yellow color and a significantly lower triglyceride content.


更多网络解释与cisterna chyli相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cisterna chyli:乳糜池

.在做到肾血管高位时,在动、静脉间有乳糜池(cisterna chyli)淋巴干,彼位于左肾静脉下缘,下腔静脉与腹主动脉之间,乃盆腔、腹腔和下肢之淋巴总汇,再向上便是胸导管了.


\\"池,槽,淋巴间隙\\",\\"cistern\\" | \\"池,槽\\",\\"cisterna,cisternae,cistern\\" | \\"乳糜池\\",\\"cisterna,cisternae,cistern chyli\\"

cisterna,cisternae,cistern chyli:乳糜池

\\"池,槽\\",\\"cisterna,cisternae,cistern\\" | \\"乳糜池\\",\\"cisterna,cisternae,cistern chyli\\" | \\"蜘蛛膜下池\\",\\"cisterna,cisternae,cistern subarachnoid\\"