英语人>词典>英汉 : celestial blue的中文,翻译,解释,例句
celestial blue的中文,翻译,解释,例句

celestial blue

更多网络例句与celestial blue相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We belong to this beautiful blue celestial body.


It is a good weather really, celestial tile blue tile is blue, sunshine get rid of bright bright, of warm happy and harmonious.


EdgarMitchel, astronaut of Apollo 14th said in the report in 1971,This is a beautiful, harmonious and quiet celestial body, very bright blue under the white cloud, which give you a sense of thorough heart and acceptance at home.


National Flag: The national flag (proportions 10 y 7) is green, bearing, at the centre, a yellow diamond containing a blue celestial globe with 26 white five-pointed stars (one for each of Brazil''s states), arranged in the pattern of the southern firmament, below an equatorial scrol lwith the motto ''Ordem e Progresso''(''Order and Progress''), and a single star above the scroll.


更多网络解释与celestial blue相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at just the correct distance:就这么刚好的距离上

that put this celestial ball of fire|将这个天体火球放在 | at just the correct distance|就这么刚好的距离上 | from our little blue planet for life to evolve,|让我们的小蓝色地球生命得以进化

Blue Coreopsis:蓝波斯菊(正式名称是Natural优越主义结社)

Productive Location Ally on Nexus Technology 连锁科技生产性区域联盟 PLANT | Blue Coreopsis 蓝波斯菊(正式名称是Natural优越主义结社) | Celestial Being 天人 CB

Wineglass in hand, I ask the blue sky:把酒问青天

明月几时有,bright moon, how often you climb out high, | 把酒问青天. Wineglass in hand, I ask the blue sky. | 不知天上宫阙,not knowing in celestial palaces,