英语人>词典>英汉 : bouilli的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

bouilli ['bu:ji:]



更多网络例句与bouilli相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, such training was really hard-worked, working continuously from 8 am until 11pm every day. So that, at the end, almost all the people didn't want to stay there any more. We took the train TGV at 11:00 on 27th, Sep., arrived at Paris after four and half hours. When I entered in my flat, I saw my wife was cooking bouilli which is my favorite. How lucky am I!


So I think, happiness indeed has relationships with substance, but not much. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea and bouilli also have relationships with happiness, but also not much. For happiness, I think mental comfortableness is more important and can be shared.


For example, someone may say happiness was firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, and common people's common days; while another person may say he felt very happy after eating a meal with bouilli when his wife was not at home, because his wife would not let him eat for keeping fit.


I didn't cook but went to the schafar house enjoying a free dinner instead tonight~Becky cooked bacon pasta like a r eal chef and Gan's bouilli can not be took out of mind the whole afternoon~am i good-for-nothing?or not~The "amazing" thing was that the table topic dropped into the experience of medical jurisprudence and horror films from tasty food, then focused on cruelty of dead bodies~Dan smiled gracely, and Becky enjoyed them without batting an eyelid. Also Ganji astonished me a lot with gentleness and mildness in his eyes~Only me a normal person~only me

醉意今天没有自己开伙,跑去schafar house蹭饭去了~Becky亲自下厨做了培根意大利面,G的红烧肉从中午就开始惦记着~我这点出息啊~离奇的是在我还没有吃完的时候,话题逐渐由美味新鲜的食物转为法医学,继而聚焦最惨不忍睹的死法和恶心恐怖电影~蛋一脸可掬的笑容,Becky不露声色,G竟然目光朦胧充满诗情画意~看来只有我是正常人~我是正常人

Perhaps French bouilli bouillir

可能为 法语 bouilli 源自bouillir的过去分词

更多网络解释与bouilli相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bouillabaisse 浓味鱼肉汤 | bouilli 红烧肉 | boulangerite 硫锑铅矿


烤猪肉:roast pork | 蒸肉:bouilli | 白切肉:fricassee