英语人>词典>英汉 : blood stain的中文,翻译,解释,例句
blood stain的中文,翻译,解释,例句

blood stain

blood stain的基本解释

[医] 血迹, 血痕

更多网络例句与blood stain相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has blood stain s on his shirt.


Mother's seeing the blood stain of the clothes would be very sad.


The blood had left a stain on his shirt.


However ask a father to strip nude my clothes, don't be stained with blood stain.


There was no stain of blood on its body.


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更多网络解释与blood stain相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blood stain:血痕

血液或血痕(blood stain) 检验是物证检验中最常遇到和最重要的项目. 一般占法医 物证检验的80%以上. 1.血色原结晶试验(hemochromogen crystal test)血红素与各种碱基结合的化合物称为血色原,高山用葡萄糖还原血红蛋白,

blood stain:血痕,血迹

blood stagnation 血流淤积,血流淤滞 | blood stain 血痕,血迹 | blood staining of cornea 血染角膜

spurted blood stain:飞溅血痕

女性假性两性畸形 female pseudohermaphroditism | 飞溅血痕 spurted blood stain | 马王堆尸 the Mawangdui cadaver

Blood Stain Child:這個日本團真的是很讚 完美結合 日式搖滾 and 旋律死亡金屬

Blinded Colony (聽他的音樂整個就是"爽" 也算是我看好的新秀之一 也有受到"一點" 浪潮影響 | Blood Stain Child (這個日本團真的是很讚 完美結合 日式搖滾 and 旋律死亡金屬 | Callenish Circle ( 算是稍微純一點的

examination of blood stain:血痕检验

examination aqua amnii spot 羊水斑检验 | examination of blood stain 血痕检验 | examination of colostrum stain 初乳斑检验 examination of dejecta 排泄物检验

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