英语人>词典>英汉 : beurre的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

beurre ['bə:]



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"The thousands of varieties include Bartlett, Beurre Bosc, and Beurre d'Anjou."


Analysis of nutritional components in pear fruits of different varieties showed that fructose, glucose and sucrose were predominant sugar in pear fruits, the content of which ranged from 3.40% to 9.24%, 0.21% to 2.72%, 0.10% to 1.69%, respectively; Content of titrable acid was the highest in Bayuehong Pear(0.286%) and lowest in Atago(0.078%); Content of Vitamin C was the highest in Beurre Bosc (9.50 mg/100g) and lowest in Lubaoshi Pear(1.89mg/100g); Content of protein ranged from 127 to 428 mg/100g, content of free amino acid ranged from 24.8 to 77.4 mg/100g; Contents of the same mineral element of different pear varieties were different.

不同梨品种果实营养成分含量的分析结果表明:果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖是梨果实中的主要糖类,品种间三种糖的含量有较大差异,所测品种果实中三种糖的含量范围分别为:3.40%~9.24%、0.21%~2.72%、0.10%~1.69%;可滴定酸的含量以八月红最高(0.286%),爱宕最低(0.078%);维生素C的含量以博斯克最高(9.50 mg/100g),绿宝石最低(1.89mg/100g);不同品种间可溶性蛋白和氨基酸的含量差异较大,其含量范围分别为127~428mg/100g和77.4~24.8 mg/100g;不同品种间同一矿质元素的含量存在较大差异。

Don't let that beurre blanc separate.


Skate is less easy to find (and actually, I prefer it done the French way, in beurre noir - burned butter, without batter).


On the 4CV's launch, it was nicknamed "La motte de beurre" due to the combination of its shape and the fact that many early models were painted with sand yellow-colored German army surplus paint intended for the Afrika Korps.


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更多网络解释与beurre相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


法国菜一般做法:是肉类奄调后煎至金黄色,后用40度以上的酒(干邑、波多、马填)在小盆锅上烧肉类,吸了酒香后,再用奶油白酒丰汁(fond)或其它煸熟. 为增加该汁的柔滑,再用蛋黄奶油拌打或离火加黄油(Beurre),拌打后,把此汁浇在块肉上,肉与汁拌食精美无比.


Dessert 甜品 | beurre 牛油 | confiture 果酱

le beurre:黄油

la confiture果酱 | le beurre黄油 | le chocolat巧克力

le beurre:黄油yCn无忧研修网

la confiture果酱yCn无忧研修网 | le beurre黄油yCn无忧研修网 | le chocolat巧克力yCn无忧研修网

beurre n.m:黄油

besoin n.m.需要 | beurre n.m.黄油 | bifteck n.m.牛排

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